Toru Kubota

4 results arranged by date

Myanmar releases journalists Toru Kubota and Than Htike Aung, but dozens remain behind bars

Bangkok, November 18, 2022–In response to news reports that Myanmar on Thursday released Japanese documentary filmmaker Toru Kubota and editor Than Htike Aung of the local Mizzima news website as part of a wider amnesty of 5,774 prisoners, the Committee to Protect Journalists issued the following statement calling for the release of all jailed journalists in the country:…

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Japanese documentary filmmaker Toru Kubota sentenced to 3 more years in Myanmar prison

Bangkok, October 13, 2022 — In response to multiple news reports that a Myanmar court on Wednesday sentenced Japanese documentary filmmaker Toru Kubota to three more years in prison for allegedly violating the country’s immigration laws, bringing his total incarceration term to 10 years, the Committee to Protect Journalists issued the following statement calling for his immediate release: “Myanmar’s latest action in…

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CPJ condemns harsh prison sentence for Japanese journalist Toru Kubota in Myanmar

New York, October 6, 2022 — In response to news reports that a Myanmar court on Thursday sentenced Japanese documentary filmmaker Toru Kubota to 10 years in prison on two charges, the Committee to Protect Journalists issued the following statement calling for his release: “The harsh prison sentence against Japanese journalist Toru Kubota is outrageous,…

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Japanese journalist Toru Kubota faces prison over Myanmar protest coverage

Bangkok, August 5, 2022 – Myanmar authorities must immediately and unconditionally release Japanese documentary filmmaker Toru Kubota and drop all charges against him, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Friday. On July 30, authorities arrested Kubota, a freelance filmmaker who contributes to international media outlets, while he filmed a small protest in the commercial capital…

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