
1270 results arranged by date

Leading news outlets affirm support for journalists in Gaza

Leaders of more than 30 news organizations around the world, including the Associated Press, Agence France-Presse, and Reuters, have joined an open letter on Thursday affirming that they “stand united with Palestinian journalists in their call for safety, protection, and the freedom to report.” The letter, coordinated by the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) with…

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Mexican president Andrés Manuel López Obrador

CPJ calls on Mexico’s president not to disclose journalists’ personal information

Mexico City, February 23, 2022 – Mexican president Andrés Manuel López Obrador must refrain from publicizing the personal information of journalists and respect privacy laws in the most dangerous country for journalists in the Western Hemisphere, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Friday. On Thursday, López Obrador responded to a request for comment during his daily press…

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Indian journalist Jyotiranjan Mohapatra attacked with sword in Bhubaneswar

New Delhi, February 23, 2024—The Committee to Protect Journalists on Friday called upon the authorities in the eastern Indian state of Odisha to prosecute those responsible for the assault on Jyotiranjan Mohapatra, a reporter with privately owned news broadcaster Bada Khabar TV. At around 11 p.m. on February 10, four unidentified individuals on two motorcycles…

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Malawian investigative journalist Gregory Gondwe in hiding following threat of arrest

Lusaka, February 2, 2024—The Committee to Protect Journalists is alarmed by reports that the prominent Malawian investigative journalist Gregory Gondwe has gone into hiding, following threats of arrest over his coverage of the country’s military. “Investigative journalists like Gregory Gondwe play a vital role in ensuring good governance in a democratic society. Any attempts to…

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Unidentified people came to the apartment of Yuriy Nikolov, a co-founder and editor of Nashi Groshi, banged on his door, and shouted that he needed to join the army on January 14, 2023. Nikolov’s door was covered with papers with inscriptions calling him a “provocateur,” a “traitor,” and a (military service) “evader.”

Ukrainian investigative journalist Yuriy Nikolov threatened, journalists with Bihus.Info under alleged surveillance

New York, January 18, 2024—Ukrainian authorities must conduct a swift and thorough investigation into threats made against journalist Yuriy Nikolov and alleged surveillance of journalists with investigative outlet Bihus.Info, and hold the perpetrators to account, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Thursday. On January 14, a group of unidentified people came to the apartment of…

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Ukrainian journalist Oleh Baturyn receives threats online after report on politician

New York, January 9, 2024—Ukrainian authorities must conduct a swift and thorough investigation into violent threats made against journalist Oleh Baturyn, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Tuesday. On December 31, 2023, the Center of Journalistic Investigations, a Ukrainian independent investigative outlet, published a report, which said that Valery Saltykov, a member of Kherson Regional…

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A call to action for protection of journalists in Israel-Gaza war

New York, December 21, 2023 – Since October 7, at least 68 journalists have lost their lives in the Israel-Gaza war. In more than three decades of documenting journalist fatalities, the Committee to Protect Journalists has never seen violence of such intensity. This devastating toll and related anti-press aggression and restrictions severely impact the ability…

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Anas Al-Sharif

Father of Al-Jazeera’s Anas Al-Sharif killed in Gaza after journalist receives threats

Washington, D.C., December 11, 2023—The Committee to Protect Journalists is deeply saddened by the killing of the father of Anas Al-Sharif, a reporter and videographer for Al-Jazeera Arabic in northern Gaza, and reiterates its call for the protection of journalists in Gaza and their family members. On Monday, an Israeli airstrike hit Al-Sharif’s family home…

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Headshot of journalist Maxo Dorvil of Radio Télé Zip, who fled Haiti after being shot at twice and receiving a demand for "protection money" from a gang.

‘I’ll be killed if they find me’: Radio reporter Maxo Dorvil flees Haiti amid gang violence

Haitian radio journalist Maxo Dorvil fled the country on November 7, 2023, after reporting that he was shot at twice in less than two weeks near his home on the outskirts of the capital Port-au-Prince. The 44-year-old journalist with the independent broadcaster Radio Télé Zip said he was shot at by two armed men on…

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Burkina Faso conscripts 2 journalists critical of junta, another fears kidnapping

Dakar, November 22, 2023—Burkinabe authorities must revoke the military conscription of journalists Issaka Lingani and Yacouba Ladji Bama and ensure the safety of journalist Boureima Ouedraogo in the face of kidnap threats, the Committee to Protect Journalists said on Wednesday. In early November, the army ordered Lingani and Bama to report for military training and…

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