Ross Dunkley

3 results arranged by date

In this June 2007 photo, Ross Dunkley poses with narcotics to be destroyed in Burma. (AP/Khin Maung Win)

Australian editor convicted, released in Burma

Bangkok, July 1, 2011–Ross Dunkley, founder and editor of the Myanmar Times newspaper, was convicted of assault and set free for time already spent in detention by a Burmese court on Thursday. 

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Australian editor released on bail, faces trial in Burma

New York, March 29, 2011–Ross Dunkley, founder and editor of the Myanmar Times weekly newspaper, was released on bail from a Burmese prison today, according to international news reports. Dunkley, an Australian citizen arrested February 10 amid tense negotiations over the future of the weekly, had been denied several earlier requests for release on bail. 

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In this June 2007 photo, Ross Dunkley poses with narcotics to be destroyed in Burma. (AP/Khin Maung Win)

Australian publisher detained in Burma

Bangkok, February 14, 2011–The Committee to Protect Journalists is concerned that authorities have detained Ross Dunkley, editor-in-chief and chief executive officer of the Myanmar Times newspaper, on immigration-related charges in Burma.  

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