Radio Caracas Radio

4 results arranged by date

Mapping Venezuela’s shrinking radio landscape

Mapping Venezuela’s shrinking radio landscape Venezuelans navigate an information desert amid COVID-19, humanitarian & political crises By CPJ Central & South America staff and Coral Negrón, CPJ Patti Birch Fellow for Data Journalism As the COVID-19 pandemic spread rapidly around the world, few countries were already in such a state of humanitarian crisis as Venezuela….

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Radio station suspended in Venezuela

Bogotá, August 20, 2014–Venezuelan telecommunications regulator CONATEL shut down a critical radio station on Tuesday after refusing to renew the station’s expired transmission license, according to news reports. The move follows CONATEL’s suspension on Friday of a critical radio program on another station.

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Venezuela suspends critical radio program

Bogotá, August 19, 2014–Venezuelan authorities should immediately reverse the suspension of a critical radio program that has been off the air since Friday, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today.

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Venezuela shuts down radio program indefinitely

On May 7, 2014, the Venezuelan telecommunications regulator CONATEL ordered the suspension of “Plomo Parejo,” a news and opinion radio program that had been extremely critical of the country’s socialist government, according to news reports. 

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