13 results arranged by date
CPJ’s 2024 imprisoned journalists’ data illustrates how arbitrary prison sentences handed down in connection with journalistic work can become a years-long nightmare. Globally, incarcerated journalists routinely face harsh conditions—including lack of access to medical care, food, hygiene products, and water—along with loss of vital emotional support because long, often expensive journeys make it difficult for…
The Committee to Protect Journalists, along with 33 other rights organizations, has signed on to the following letter in support of a submission to the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (UNWGAD) about the case of jailed Egyptian blogger Alaa Abdelfattah. Read more about Abdelfattah and other journalists imprisoned in Egypt here. 23 November…
Dramatic rise in arrests makes Iran world’s worst jailer of journalists in 2022 New York, December 14, 2022—The number of journalists imprisoned worldwide is the highest ever recorded in the 30 years that the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) has produced its prison census, the organization said Wednesday. A record 363 journalists were behind bars…
Taipei, December 10, 2022 – In response to news reports that a Hong Kong court on Saturday sentenced Jimmy Lai, founder of the Next Digital media company and the pro-democracy newspaper Apple Daily, to five years and nine months imprisonment on fraud charges, the Committee to Protect Journalists condemned the sentencing and called for Lai’s…
New York, December 6, 2022—On December 14, 2022, the Committee to Protect Journalists will release its annual census of journalists imprisoned worldwide. The census records journalists known to be in custody as of December 1, 2022, providing background information and demographic data on each case, as well as in-depth analysis of trends driving the sharp…
Washington, D.C., April 26, 2022 – The Committee to Protect Journalists welcomes news reports that Egypt has included journalists Mohamed Salah and Abdo Fayed among its latest prisoner releases, but calls on Egyptian authorities to release at least 23 other journalists in custody. “We are pleased that Salah and Fayed are getting some relief after…
New York, December 1, 2021– On December 9, 2021, the Committee to Protect Journalists will release its annual census and global analysis of journalists imprisoned or killed during the year. These numbers have reached record levels in recent years and the report will reveal which governments are the worst jailers of reporters, the developments that…
New York, December 8, 2020–The Committee to Protect Journalists will release its annual census of journalists imprisoned worldwide on December 15, 2020. The census lists journalists jailed as of midnight on December 1, 2020, and indicates the country where held, charge, and medium of work in each case. The census does not include the many…
Reporting on China’s harassment of journalists has never been easy. Lately it’s been getting much harder, which suggests that conditions for the press could be worsening. At least 47 journalists were jailed in China at the time of CPJ’s 2018 prison census and I am investigating at least a dozen other cases, but the details…