Orient TV

3 results arranged by date

A man inspects a damaged house in the besieged town of Douma in eastern Ghouta in Damascus, Syria, on February 22, 2018. Eastern Ghouta has been under constant shelling, airstrikes, and rocket fire from al-Assad forces and their allies since February 18, 2018 to the date of publication, according to news reports. (Reuters/Bassam Khabieh)

Syrian media worker injured in rocket attack in eastern Ghouta

Maher Abdelaziz, an engineer for the pro-opposition channel Orient TV, was injured in a rocket attack on February 19, 2018, in the rebel-held eastern Ghouta area outside of Damascus, according to his employer and the Syrian Journalists Association.

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Syrians living in Jordan protest in solidarity with anti-government protesters in Syria. (Reuters/Majed Jaber)

Threats to Al-Jazeera in Jordan; journalists released in Syria

New York, April 5, 2011–Al-Jazeera staffers in Jordan have received anonymous threatening phone calls warning that their office and correspondents would be attacked, Al-Jazeera’s Amman bureau chief told CPJ. Journalists in Jordan have been facing mounting dangers while covering pro-reform demonstrations, CPJ research has found.

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Syrians shout slogans in support of protesters in Deraa. (Reuters)

Syria cracks down on press; attacks in Libya, elsewhere

New York, March 28, 2011–Facing the nationwide spread of political unrest, Syrian authorities barred three Reuters journalists from reporting, blocked journalistic access to a hotbed of political dissent, censored a critical satellite station, and detained a political blogger. The widespread repression in Syria came on the same weekend that Libyan security agents forcibly barred a…

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