Ona News Agency

3 results arranged by date

Young people run from police tear gas amid calls for protests in downtown Cairo, April 25, 2016. (Mohamed El-Shahed/AFP)

Scores of journalists harassed, detained amid Egypt protests

New York, April 25, 2016–Egyptian authorities should immediately cease detaining and harassing journalists, and allow them to do their jobs, including allowing them to cover street protests, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today.

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Press threatened and detained as Egypt marks uprising anniversary

New York, January 26, 2015–The Committee to Protect Journalists is alarmed by the harassment and detention of journalists in Egypt on Sunday during mass demonstrations to mark the fourth anniversary of the uprising that ousted President Hosni Mubarak in 2011.

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A police officer is seen in Cairo amid clashes between security forces and supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood. (AFP/Mohamed el-Shahed)

Reporters attacked covering first anniversary of Cairo protest killings

New York, August 15, 2014–Several journalists have been attacked and briefly detained in Egypt since Thursday while covering deadly clashes between supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood and security forces, according to news reports.

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