Nehemiah Okwembah

2 results arranged by date

Billboards at Nairobi's airport welcome Barack Obama to Kenya. (CPJ/Sue Valentine)

Mission Journal: Will Obama’s visit boost hopes for press freedom in Kenya?

President Barack Obama is expected to address a range of topics when he arrives in Kenya tomorrow. The Kenyan government says it plans to discuss security and trade, while opposition parties and civil society want good governance and human rights added to the agenda, according to news reports. We hope the discussion includes the commitments…

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Kenyan police assault journalists investigating corruption

Nairobi, April, 20, 2015–Two journalists were beaten by officers from Kenya’s paramilitary police wing, the General Service Unit (GSU), at a cattle ranch in southeastern Kenya on April 18, according to news reports. Nehemiah Okwembah, from the privately owned daily Nation, and Reuben Ogachi, a cameraman for the privately owned station Citizen TV, were covering…

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