Nana Grey Johnson

2 results arranged by date

Fatou Camara, host of the 'Fatou Show,' has been held by authorities since September 17. (Facebook)

Broadcast journalist held without charge in Gambia

Abuja, Nigeria, October 3, 2013–Gambian authorities should immediately release Fatou Camara, a journalist who has been held incommunicado since September 17, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. The government has not disclosed Camara’s whereabouts or any charges against her, according to news reports.

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Amended Gambian media law restricts Internet freedom

Abuja, Nigeria, July 10, 2013–The Committee to Protect Journalists condemns an amendment to a media law adopted by the Gambian parliament that imposes lengthy prison sentences and heavy fines on individuals who use the Internet in any capacity to criticize government officials.

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