
980 results arranged by date

Mexican investigative journalist Carmen Aristegui speaks to reporters in Mexico City, June 19, 2017. (AP/Eduardo Verdugo)

Spyware targeted Mexican journalists and activists

Mexico City, June 20, 2017–Attempts to spy on Mexican journalists and human rights activists by infiltrating their mobile devices with spyware threaten press freedom in the country, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. A report released in Mexico City yesterday by the press freedom group Article 19 and open internet researchers R3D and the…

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In this file photo, Egyptians access the internet at a community center in Cairo, February 9, 2013. (AP/Amr Nabil)

Egyptian human rights group reports 64 websites blocked

Egyptian authorities blocked access to at least 64 websites, including dozens of news websites, between May 24 and June 12, 2017, according to Egyptian human rights group the Association for Freedom of Thought and Expression and news reports. The number was substantially higher than the 21 websites security officials on May 24 told Egypt’s official…

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An Egyptian uses his phone to record the aftermath of a deadly explosion outside a police headquarters in December 2013. Journalists who use smartphones and messaging apps in their reporting say they are wary of surveillance and trolling under Egypt's press crackdown continues. (AP/Ahmed Ashraf)

How surveillance, trolls, and fear of arrest affect Egypt’s journalists

As Egypt’s crackdown on the press extends to social media and other communication platforms, many journalists say phishing attempts, trolling, software to monitor social media posts, and a draft law that would require registration for social media users are making them think twice before covering sensitive issues.

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Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan addresses graduating students at the Imam Hatip religious school in Istanbul, May 26, 2017. (Reuters/Murad Sezer)

Turkey Crackdown Chronicle: Week of June 11, 2017

Twelve witnesses against journalist say testimony extracted under torture Twelve out of 13 witnesses prosecutors called yesterday to testify that Nedim Türfent, a former reporter for the shuttered, pro-Kurdish Dicle News Agency (DİHA), was a member of a terrorist organization recanted their written testimony, saying police extracted it under torture, the daily Evrensel reported. Police…

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A screen shot shows an error message internet users receive when trying to access the news website Mada Masr. (Mada Masr)

Egypt blocks access to 21 news websites

New York, May 26, 2017–Egyptian authorities should immediately stop blocking access to news websites, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. The Egyptian government on May 24 ordered internet service providers to block access to 21 news websites, alleging that they supported terrorism or reported “false news,” the government’s official Middle East News Agency reported.

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In this 2009 file photo, Palestinian journalists work in the Ramallah office of Qatari broadcaster Al-Jazeera. Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Bahrain blocked access to Al-Jazeera's websites on May 24, 2017. (Reuters/Fadi Arouri)

Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain block Qatari news websites

New York, May 25, 2017– Authorities in Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Bahrain should cease blocking access to news websites, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. Authorities in the allied kingdoms yesterday blocked access to at least eight Qatari-funded news websites, including those of regional broadcaster Al-Jazeera, according to Al-Jazeera, government statements,…

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Sina Weibo's booth is pictured at the Global Mobile Internet Conference in Beijing on April 28, 2017. China announced regulations govern websites, apps, microblogs, and, instant messaging. (REUTERS/Jason Lee)

China’s latest internet controls to stifle free expression

Washington, D.C., May 3, 2017–The Committee to Protect Journalists strongly condemns China’s move on Tuesday to impose yet more stringent controls on the media and free expression by requiring strict licensing requirements for virtually all forms of news distribution.

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A January 18, 2012, file photo shows a laptop in the San Francisco offices of the Wikipedia Foundation. (AP/Eric Risberg)

Turkey Crackdown Chronicle: Week of April 30, 2017

Court overturns reporter’s terrorism conviction The Fourth Court of Appeals in the southeastern Turkish city of Diyarbakır today overturned its previous conviction of Bertitan Canözer, a former reporter for the shuttered JİNHA news agency, on charges of “making propaganda for a terrorist organization,” the news website Gazete Sujin reported. Police detained Canözer in December 2015…

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Azerbaijan government seeks order to permanently block news websites

New York, April 28, 2017–The Azerbaijani government should immediately stop trying to permanently block access to five independent media outlets’ websites and should instead lift a decree that has rendered them currently inaccessible, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. A district court in the capital Baku yesterday began hearing a government lawsuit that seeks…

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A Kashmiri youth reads a news item posted on his Facebook page in an internet cafe in Srinagar, India, August 27, 2010 (AP/Altaf Qadri)

Jammu and Kashmir state government censors 22 social media services

New York, April 26, 2017–Indian officials in the state of Jammu and Kashmir should immediately revoke a one-month ban on access to social media services, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. The order, announced today, directed all internet service providers to block users’ access to 22 platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, WhatsApp, and YouTube,…

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