33 results arranged by date
Szabolcs Panyi was not even remotely surprised when Amnesty International’s tech team confirmed in 2021 that his cell phone had been infiltrated by Pegasus spyware for much of 2019. Panyi, a journalist covering national security, high-level diplomacy, and corruption for Hungarian investigative outlet Direkt36, had already long factored into his everyday work that his communications…
The Committee to Protect Journalists joined 16 other press and free expression organizations in a letter to European commissioners on May 9, or Europe Day, calling on them to ensure that the proposed European Media Freedom Act defends press freedom and independence. The letter calls for the European Commission to expand the EMFA beyond basic…
Brussels, March 10, 2022 — The European Union must strengthen its criticism of the deterioration of press freedom in Mexico and ensure that Mexican authorities guarantee immediate resourcing and funding of their protection program for journalists, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Thursday. The European Parliament passed a resolution on Thursday, March 10, that condemns…
Brussels, February 14, 2022 — European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen must speak out on media freedom when she meets with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi this week, the Committee to Protect Journalists said on Monday. “Egyptian President el-Sisi has systematically attacked the press, imprisoned journalists, and silenced critical voices,” said Tom Gibson, CPJ’s…
The Committee to Protect Journalists today joined 61 organizations in a joint statement urging the European Commission to strengthen its annual Rule of Law report. The Rule of Law report, published in July, which provides a basis for the annual rule of law dialogue among European Union officials and member states, includes summaries of areas…
Brussels, September 16, 2021 – The Committee to Protect Journalists today welcomed new journalist safety guidelines published by the European Commission, and called on EU member states to implement them as soon as possible. The nonbinding recommendation lists dozens of steps that states can take to ensure that journalists can work safely, including to prosecute…
Brussels, December 3, 2020—The Committee to Protect Journalists welcomes important measures to strengthen media freedom and pluralism in the European Democracy Action Plan published by the European Commission today. The plan says the Commission will issue a recommendation on the safety of journalists and establish a structured dialogue with member states regarding its implementation, according…
The European Union is reviewing the legal framework for digital information, goods and services—a process with the potential to change the course of internet history for journalists and everybody else. In June, the European Commission launched public consultations about the upcoming Digital Services Act (DSA), an initiative to review and expand rules established 20 years…
Eszter Zalan is a correspondent for the Brussels-based EUobserver. She covered conflict and war zones for Népszabadság, the now-shuttered Hungarian daily, for several years, and covered Hungary for Agence France-Presse, before joining EUobserver in 2015. Recently, she has reported on EU affairs, including Brexit, Hungary, and the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. CPJ spoke with Zalan via…
Brussels, October 30, 2019—The Committee to Protect Journalists expressed concern today that a proposed European Union regulation on law enforcement access to electronic data lacks sufficient safeguards for journalists. The Regulation on European Production and Preservation Orders is known as the “e-evidence proposal.”