3 results arranged by date
As reporters for Nigeria’s Premium Times newspaper, Samuel Ogundipe and Azeezat Adedigba told CPJ they spoke often over the phone. They had no idea that their regular conversations about work and their personal lives were creating a record of their friendship.
New York, March 27, 2015–The Committee to Protect Journalists is concerned for the safety of Yemeni journalists amid escalating violence in the country. Houthi forces have raided news outlets, detained journalists, and banned websites, while satellite TV operators ceased to broadcast stations that recently came under Houthi control, according to news reports.
Cryptographer Bruce Schneier linked to my Slate piece on rogue certificate authorities (CAs), which could allow governments like the UAE to monitor even the supposedly secure communications of journalists and others. The smart comments include a link to this fascinating discussion at Mozilla that shows the procedures that browser-makers use when deciding which certificates to…