Edgar Damalerio

23 results arranged by date

When Journalists Are Killed, Witnesses May Be Next

Eliminating witnesses has become an all too easy and eff ective method of stymying justice when journalists are assassinated. By Elisabeth Witchel

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Conviction welcomed in 2005 murder case

We issued the following statement today after a Philippine court sentenced Muhammad Maulana to life in prison for the murder of journalist Edgar Amoro. Amoro witnessed the killing of his fellow Pagadian City-based broadcaster, Edgar Damalerio, in May 2002. In December 2005, a police officer, Guillermo Wapile, was sentenced to life in prison for gunning…

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Philippine radio broadcaster assassinated

   New York, December 26, 2007 — The Philippine government today announced that it has identified a witness in the slaying of radio broadcaster Ferdinand Lintuan on Monday. The Committee to Protect Journalists calls on President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo to ensure that the case is aggressively pursued in order to bring Lintuan’s attackers to justice.

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Two arrested in 2001 Philippines murder

New York, December 21, 2007—The Committee to Protect Journalists calls on the Philippine authorities to vigorously prosecute two suspects who have been arrested in connection with the 2001 shooting death of Philippine radio reporter Rolando Ureta. According to the National Union of Journalists, Philippines (NUJP), and local media reports, Jessie Ticar surrendered to police on…

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Despite government claims, Philippine murders go unsolved

Your Excellency: The Committee to Protect Journalists is deeply troubled by recent statements made by presidential spokesman Ignacio Bunye and the Philippine National Police (PNP) that many of the cases of journalists killed in the country have been solved and that the cases are unrelated to the issue of press freedom.

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Attacks on the Press in 2005: Introduction

By Ann CooperOn May 2, when the Committee to Protect Journalists identified the Philippines as the world’s most murderous country for journalists, the reaction was swift. “Exaggerated,” huffed presidential spokesman Ignacio Bunye, who was practiced at dismissing the mounting evidence. He had called an earlier CPJ analysis of the dangers to Philippine journalists “grossly misplaced…

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Attacks on the Press 2005: Philippines

PHILIPPINES The epidemic of murderous attacks on the Philippine press corps finally forced the government to reverse its longtime denial of the problem and to step up efforts to combat the violence. Some limited progress in law enforcement, a landmark conviction in one murder case, and growing support for broadcast reforms could signal a change…

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CPJ welcomes Supreme Court decision to move murder trial venue

New York, December 9, 2005—The Committee to Protect Journalists welcomes the Philippine Supreme Court’s ruling ordering the transfer of venue in the murder trial of columnist Marlene Esperat-Garcia from the city of Tacurong on the southern island of Mindanao to the central city of Cebu. The High Court’s November 23 decision, which was made public…

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Philippine journalist gunned down in Cebu market

New York, December 2, 2005—An unidentified gunman killed radio and newspaper journalist George Benaojan in the central city of Cebu on Thursday night before fleeing in a taxi. Benaojan, 27, died at a local hospital around midnight, according to international news reports. Benaojan was talking to a man in a market when the gunman approached…

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In Philippines, ex-police officer convicted in Damalerio murder

New York, November 29, 2005— The Committee to Protect Journalists welcomes today’s conviction of former police officer Guillermo Wapile in the 2002 murder of journalist Edgar Damalerio in Pagadian City. Judge Ramon Codilla of the Cebu Regional Trial Court sentenced Wapile to life imprisonment.

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