
520 results arranged by date

Imprisoned blogger’s mother self-immolates in Vietnam

New York, July 30, 2012–The mother of an imprisoned Vietnamese blogger died after setting herself on fire to protest her daughter’s detention on anti-state charges, her family has told international news outlets

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Defense tools for Sri Lanka’s online onslaught

Sanjana Hattotuwa, the founder of the citizen journalism website Groundviews, sent us the links to a new series of posters and videos focused on digital communications security. The material, which is aimed at a Sri Lankan audience, is available in English, Sinhala, and Tamil, but is relevant to anyone who uses the Internet or a…

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A teddy bear carrying messages of press freedom lands in a tree. (Studio Total)

KGB puts editor in jail over photos of teddy bears

New York, July 18, 2012–Belarusian security agents should immediately release a website editor who has been jailed for publishing photographs of teddy bears, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. The KGB, the nation’s security service, is holding Anton Suryapin for alleged complicity in an illegal border crossing–a charge that can bring up to seven…

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News coverage of economic sanctions barred by Iran

New York, July 12, 2012–Iranian authorities have issued new censorship guidelines barring domestic news outlets from reporting on the impact of Western economic sanctions, local and international news outlets reported Wednesday. And, with at least three imprisonments reported, the government is continuing its years-long anti-press campaign.

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In detaining blogger, Malaysia invokes secrets act

Bangkok, July 11, 2012–Malaysian authorities must immediately release independent blogger Syed Abdullah Syed Hussein al-Attas who has been in police custody since July 4, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today.

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A screen shot from AFP TV shows Sudanese demonstrators protesting in Khartoum on Friday. (AFP)

In Sudan, journalists detained after covering protests

New York, July 9, 2012–Sudanese authorities must immediately release two journalists who were taken into custody nearly a week ago after covering anti-government protests in Khartoum, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. The whereabouts or any charges against the journalists have not been disclosed.

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Members of the press get their first look at the site of the 2012 Republican National Convention in Tampa. Security zones have been established outside to ensure people's safety. (AP/Brian Blanco)

What to know about covering the conventions

If May’s NATO Summit in Chicago is any indication, journalists covering events outside the national political conventions in Tampa, Fla., and Charlotte, N.C., later this summer can expect that everyone–mainstream media, bloggers, citizen journalists, protesters, and bystanders–will have a camera of one kind or another. With the widespread proliferation of cellphone cameras, capable of recording…

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From left: Eskinder, Abebe Gellaw, Mesfin, Abiye, Fasil, and Abebe Belew.

Eskinder Nega, 5 exiled journalists convicted of terrorism

Nairobi, June 27, 2012–Today’s conviction of six Ethiopian journalists on vague terrorism charges is an affront to the rule of law and the constitution in the Horn of Africa country, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. At least 11 journalists have been charged with terrorism since November 2011, according to CPJ research.

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CPJ condemns Eskinder Nega verdict in Ethiopia

New York, June 27, 2012-The Committee to Protect Journalists condemns today’s conviction of Ethiopian blogger Eskinder Nega on baseless terrorism charges. “The Ethiopian government has once again succeeded in misusing the law to silence critical and independent reporting,” said CPJ Africa Advocacy Coordinator Mohamed Keita. “The charges against Eskinder are baseless and politically motivated in…

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What to do if Google warns of state-sponsored attack

Some journalists continue to receive the warning from Google about state-sponsored attacks that we mentioned last week. The message appears on top of logged-in services like Gmail. Occasionally it will disappear for a few hours and then reappear, but there is no way to remove it.

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