Belsat TV

29 results arranged by date

CPJ condemns 2-year jail sentences for Belarus journalists Katsiaryna Andreyeva and Darya Chultsova

New York, February 18, 2021 – In response to today’s sentencing of Belarusian journalists Katsiaryna Andreyeva and Darya Chultsova to two years each in prison over their coverage of protests in the country, the Committee to Protect Journalists issued the following statement: “These prison terms are naked political persecutions designed to bully into silence any…

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Belarus journalists Katsiaryna Andreyeva and Darya Chultsova to face trial over protest reporting

New York, February 8, 2021 – Ahead of tomorrow’s trial of Belarusian journalists Katsiaryna Andreyeva and Darya Chultsova over their coverage of protests in the country, the Committee to Protect Journalists issued the following statement: “Belarusian authorities should immediately drop the absurd criminal charges against journalists Katsiaryna Andreyeva and Darya Chultsova, and release them unconditionally,”…

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Belarus authorities arrest journalists, issue jail sentences, launch investigation

Vilnius, Lithuania, November 6, 2020 – Belarusian authorities should stop arresting and prosecuting journalists and allow news media to report on the country’s political situation freely and safely, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. Yesterday, police in the capital Minsk detained Nasta Zacharevich of internet news portal Zeleny, according to the Belarusian Association of…

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At least 49 journalists detained in Belarus while covering recent protests; 8 still held

New York, October 13, 2020 – Belarusian authorities should immediately release all journalists detained while covering nationwide protests, stop targeting and harassing members of the press, and allow them to work freely and safely, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. At least 49 journalists were detained between October 11 and 12 while covering protests…

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Hospitalized Belarusian journalist Alena Scharbinskaya tells of beatings inside Minsk detention center

Alena Scharbinskaya, a correspondent with the independent satellite broadcaster Belsat TV, was among dozens of journalists detained last week in Belarus when protests erupted after the re-election of President Aleksandr Lukashenko, whose victory has been contested by many voters and the opposition. She was kept for three days in the now-infamous detention center known among locals…

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Belarus police attack and detain journalists amid election protests

Vilnius, Lithuania, August 10, 2020 — Belarusian authorities should refrain from assaulting and detaining journalists covering protests, and should hold police officers accountable for attacks on the press, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. Yesterday, riot police in Minsk, the capital, assaulted at least four journalists and detained at least five, according to news…

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Independent media advocate and journalist tell of challenges covering Belarus’s upcoming elections and coronavirus

As Belarus’s August 9, 2020, presidential election nears with President Aleksandr Lukashenko vying to remain in power after 26 years in office, press freedom advocates say Belarusian authorities are cracking down on journalists and government critics.  Over three days starting June 25, Belarusian authorities arrested several popular bloggers: Ihor Losik, Serhei Petrukhin, Aleksandr Kabanau, Volodimir…

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Journalists broadcast from the Belsat TV studio in Warsaw, Poland, on January 31, 2011. The broadcaster's Minsk, Belarus, offices were recently raided by police in a slander case. (AFP/Janek Skarzynski)

Offices of independent Belarusian TV station Belsat raided in slander case

New York, April 11, 2019 — Belarusian authorities should immediately drop their criminal slander investigation of independent online television station Belsat and allow the broadcaster’s reporters and staff to work freely, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today.

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Belarusian police detain a man at a March 25, 2017, protest in Minsk. (AFP/Vasily Maximov)

Journalists face trial for covering protests in Belarus

New York, April 12, 2017–Belarusian authorities should immediately drop all charges against journalists for covering protests and should allow the news media to work unobstructed, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today.

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