142 results arranged by date
New York, November 3, 2017–The editor-in-chief and owner of the independent, Kaliningrad-based weekly Novye Kolyosa, Igor Rudnikov, was allegedly beaten while in custody of Russia’s security service (FSB) and faces criminal prosecution, according to media reports and a staff member who spoke with CPJ on condition of anonymity for safety concerns. On the night of…
New Delhi, September 26, 2017–Authorities in India must thoroughly investigate and bring to justice the perpetrators behind an attack on journalist Sanjeev Gopalan in the southern Kerala state, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today.
Tunisian police beat Hamdi al-Souissi, a reporter for the local radio station Diwan FM, seized Souissi’s recording equipment, detained him, and questioned him for two hours at a precinct in in the country’s eastern city of Sfax, on September 18, 2017, local media reported.
Unknown assailants on August 15, 2017, attacked reporter Fredy Morales Salas at his home in the Venustiano Carranza district in the Mexican state of Puebla, some 80 miles (130km) from the country’s capitol, according to local journalists, officials and news reports.
Nairobi, August 17, 2017–Authorities in Kenya should credibly investigate incidents of harassment against journalists covering the aftermath of August 8’s disputed elections and should reform Kenya’s Firearms Act to lower the barriers on journalists’ ability to wear protective gear, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today.
New York, August 3, 2017–Authorities in the Democratic Republic of Congo should cease harassing and detaining journalists and should allow them to cover protests and other events of public interest without interference, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today.
Beirut, July 25, 2017–Israeli authorities should independently and credibly investigate reports that Israeli security forces injured journalists covering protests in the West Bank last weekend, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. At least six Palestinian journalists were injured while covering protests in East Jerusalem, Bethlehem, and Hebron on July 20 and 21, according to…
Journalists to stand trial on charges of obtaining secret information Hatay’s Second Court of Penal Peace yesterday ordered Dihaber journalist Erdoğan Alayumat jailed pending trial on charges “obtaining secret information of the Republic of Turkey with the means of political and military espionage” and ordered Nuri Akman released on probation pending trial, their employer reported.…