Al-Jazeera Arabic

3 results arranged by date

Al-Jazeera cameraman killed in shelling in Syria

Beirut, June 26, 2015–An Al-Jazeera cameraman was killed today while covering clashes between regime forces and rebels in the southern Syrian province of Daraa, the pan-Arab broadcaster reported. Mohammed al-Asfar is the second Al-Jazeera journalist to be killed in the province since December.

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Fourth journalist killed in Syria in three days

New York, December 11, 2014–A correspondent working for Al-Jazeera’s Arabic website,, was killed Wednesday night while covering clashes between rebel and government forces in Syria’s Daraa province, the outlet reported today. Mahran al-Deeri is the fourth journalist to die covering fighting in and around the village of Sheikh Miskeen in the past three days.

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A supporter of Egypt's ousted President Mohamed Morsi chants slogans against the military Friday in Cairo. (AP/Manu Brabo)

Egypt bans Al-Jazeera, detains journalists, raids outlets

New York, August 30, 2013–Egyptian security forces continue to detain and harass journalists working for news outlets critical of the military-led government, particularly Al-Jazeera and its affiliates. Journalists also still face physical threats from protesters, as tensions persist between the government and supporters of ousted President Mohamed Morsi.

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