Aleksei Venediktov

4 results arranged by date

People lay flowers made of newspapers to pay respects to slain Novaya Gazeta journalist Anna Politkovskaya outside the newspaper's office in Moscow, October 7, 2014. (AP/Ivan Sekretarev)

Russian journalist flees Moscow following threats

New York, April 17, 2017–Russian authorities should immediately and thoroughly investigate threats made against Elena Milashina, an investigative journalist for the independent Russian newspaper Novaya Gazeta and a former correspondent for the Committee to Protect Journalists, CPJ said today. In an April 15 interview with The Washington Post, Milashina said that she left Moscow following…

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CPJ urges Putin to ensure Chechen officials cease harassing journalists

The Committee to Protect Journalists writes to Russian President Vladimir Putin to express its deep concern at the menacing language employed on social media and in the press by officials in Chechnya against critical journalists and rights activists.

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In Russia, media regulator uses warnings to restrict the press

In January, Russia’s state media regulator Roskomnadzor issued warnings to six news outlets that published cartoons from French satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo. Roskomnadzor said the cartoons were “insulting the religious feelings of Muslims and inciting religious hatred,” and that the outlets had broken laws on media and extremism, Russian news agency Tass reported.

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A poster depicts Vladimir Putin as the Grim Reaper on one of Ekho Moskvy's studio doors. (CPJ/Nina Ognianova)

Ekho Moskvy board shuffled ahead of Russian election

The Russian blogosphere erupted with comments today following an announcement that the board of directors of the iconic radio station, Ekho Moskvy, will be changed. The timing of the development–weeks before presidential elections–and the potential consequences for Ekho’s editorial policy threw listeners into a frenzy of worry and speculation.

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