hong kong

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JULY 2, 2005 Posted: July 22, 2005 Wong Yuk-man, Commercial Radio HARASSED Hong Kong’s Commercial Radio terminated the contract of popular radio host Wong Yuk-man. Local supporters say that political pressure played a part in the decision to fire the host, known for his outspoken criticism of local pro-Beijing politicians.

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Proposed national security bill threatens press freedom

February 20, 2003, New York—The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) today submitted a memorandum to the Hong Kong Security Bureau detailing serious concerns about the proposed National Security (Legislative Provisions) Bill drafted by the government. In its current form, this bill poses a grave threat to freedom of expression in Hong Kong. “The Hong Kong…

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The Great Firewall of China

Xiao Qiang, a 2001 MacArthur Fellow, is executive director of Human Rights in China, a monitoring and advocacy organization based in New York and Hong Kong. Sophie Beach is Asia research associate at the Committee to Protect Journalists. NEW YORK — Last month, the Chinese government announced that some 45.8 million of its citizens had…

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Bangladesh: Government bans Far Eastern Economic Review

Your Excellency: The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) is alarmed by your government’s ban on the April 4 edition of the Hong Kong­based weekly Far Eastern Economic Review. The cover story of the edition, “Bangladesh: Cocoon of Terror,” described the country as besieged by “Islamic fundamentalism, religious intolerance, militant Muslim groups with links to international terrorist groups, a powerful military with ties to the militants, the mushrooming of Islamic schools churning out radical students, middle-class apathy, poverty and lawlessness.”

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Authorities to deport foreign reporters

Bangkok, February 25, 2002— Thai immigration authorities have ordered the expulsion of two foreign correspondents for the Hong Kong­based Far Eastern Economic Review (FEER) magazine on the grounds that they are a threat to national security. Shawn Crispin, the magazine’s bureau chief, and correspondent Rodney Tasker, who is also president of the Foreign Correspondents’ Club…

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Police ban issue of Far Eastern Economic Review

Your Excellency: The Committee to Protect Journalists is deeply disturbed by the banning of the January 10 issue of the Hong Kong-based Far Eastern Economic Review. This act of censorship by your government is out of character with Thailand’s commitment to press freedom.

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Joseph Lelyveld: Awardee 2001

Burton Benjamin Memorial Award During nearly four decades at The New York Times, JOSEPH LELYVELDhelped define the highest principles of American journalism. Lelyveld began at The Times as a copy boy in 1962. His distinguished reporting included years as a foreign correspondent in London, New Delhi, Hong Kong, and Johannesburg. His 1985 book, Move Your…

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Government blocks international newsmagazines

New York, March 7, 2001 — The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) is troubled by the Malaysian government’s decision to block distribution of the international newsmagazines Asiaweek and the Far Eastern Economic Review, both published weekly from Hong Kong. “The Malaysian government has a history of using bureaucratic restrictions to control the media,” said CPJ…

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Canadian correspondent freed in Kuala Lumpur

October 12, 1999 — Murray Hiebert, the Far Eastern Economic Reviewcorrespondent imprisoned in Kuala Lumpur on September 11, was released yesterday morning, according to a spokesman for Reviewpublisher Dow Jones. “My spirits are in good shape and I managed to come out in one piece,” Hiebert told Canadian TV from Hong Kong (as quoted by Reuters).

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Press Freedom Under the Dragon

Can Hong Kong’s Media Still Breathe Fire?

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