
550 results

Malaysia’s Risk-Takers

The government’s promise not to censor the Internet has allowed bloggers more latitude than journalists working in other media. Now, with a leading blogger jailed, that freedom is in jeopardy.

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Government blocks popular news site

New York, August 29, 2008—The Committee to Protect Journalists condemns the Malaysian government’s censorship of the popular news Web site and blog Malaysia Today.  The blocking represents the first time officials have violated the government’s 1996 policy pledge not to censor the Internet. The Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC), the state agency charged with…

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CPJ Impact

June 2008 News from the Committee to Protect Journalists

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Burma’s Firewall Fighters

Burma’s military junta imposed tighter internet restrictions after the Saffron Revolution. But news continues to flow thanks to the exile-run media and their resilient undercover reporters.

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Burma’s Firewall Fighters: Audio Feature

Burma’s military junta imposed tighter internet restrictions after the Saffron Revolution. But news continues to flow thanks to the exile-run media and their resilient undercover reporters.

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Cambodia’s Battling Broadcasters – A CPJ Special Report

In a country with few critical news sources, Radio Free Asia is taking on tough stories. As RFA puts the government on edge, its reporters are on edge.

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Audio: Underreported: Burmese Press Under Attack

September 13, 2007 Shawn Crispin interviewed on the Leonard Lopate Show, WNYC, New York. Listen on the WNYC website

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Thailand at a Crossroads: CPJ Special Report

After a military coup, community radio stations bear the brunt of official repression.

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Deadly News

By Mathew HansenHundreds of journalists have been killed over 15 years, many on the orders of government officials. Few cases are ever solved. In the Fall/Winter 2006 edition of Dangerous Assignments

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CPJ delivers message to Gambian ambassador on detained journalists

New York, April 6, 2006—The Committee to Protect Journalists today expressed grave concerns about the prolonged, unexplained detention of two Gambian journalists in a letter to that country’s ambassador to the United Nations, Crispin Grey-Johnson. CPJ representatives hand delivered the message to the Gambian mission to the United Nations, and urged Grey-Johnson to convey the…

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