Nguyen Van Hai

150 results

Ho Van Hai (Ho Hai)

Vietnamese journalist Ho Van Hai is serving four years in prison to be followed by two years’ house arrest for “propagandizing against the state,” an anti-state offense outlined under Article 88 of the penal code. The ruling stemmed from 36 articles he published online that judges said vilified and slandered national leaders. Hai has not…

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Thai journalist jailed without charge in Vietnam

Dear President Nguyen, The Committee to Protect Journalists is gravely concerned about the November 17 arrest and continued imprisonment of Somsak Khunmi, a long-time news assistant with the Japan- and U.S.-based Chan Troi Moi (Radio New Horizon) radio program.

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Vietnamese blogger Nguyen Van Hai arrives in Los Angeles in October 2014 after being released from jail and forced into exile. The U.S. says trade deals will depend on human rights but press freedom conditions remain poor in Vietnam. (AFP/Robyn Beck)

Poor trade-off: Jailed journalists released into exile as Vietnam pushes for weapons deal

In September, Vietnamese blogger Ta Phong Tan was released after serving three years of a 10-year prison term and was immediately flown to Los Angeles. In October 2014 Tan’s colleague Nguyen Van Hai, whom she co-founded the Free Journalists Club with in 2007 and who was also imprisoned for his work, followed the same route.

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Dieu Cay on solitary confinement, hunger strikes, and his fight for press freedom

EDITOR’S NOTE: Held in solitary confinement and stripped of his human rights, Vietnamese blogger Nguyen Van Hai suffered greatly during his six and a half years in prison. The 63-year-old outspoken critic of the repressive Vietnamese government was granted early release from a 12-year sentence last year, thanks in part to campaigning by CPJ. Hai,…

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Protesters in Hanoi hold up pictures of jailed bloggers and activists in May 2014. Hopes that authorities would end the repression of bloggers have faded with the arrest of three more writers. (Reuters/Nguyen Huu Vinh)

In Vietnam, arrests dash hopes that crackdown on bloggers will end

What one hand gives, the other takes in Vietnam. Last October’s early release of jailed blogger Nguyen Van Hai, more commonly known as Dieu Cay, has proven to be an anomaly as authorities have subsequently ramped up their repression of other independent bloggers.

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Undercover in Vietnam: Room for debate frees up but bloggers remain imprisoned

In the final part of CPJ’s “Undercover in Vietnam” series on press freedom in Vietnam, Southeast Asia Representative Shawn Crispin reveals how prominent blogger Nguyen Van Hai remains behind bars for his critical writing despite the margin for debate opening. The series concludes with recommendations for the Vietnamese government and international bodies. Incarcerated for the…

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Tweets from a night at the 2013 #IPFA gala

On Tuesday night, CPJ honored four courageous journalists with the 2013 International Press Freedom Awards. The gala dinner, at New York’s Waldorf-Astoria hotel, raised more than $1.65 million for CPJ’s worldwide press freedom advocacy. The awardees–Janet Hinostroza (Teleamazonas, Ecuador), Bassem Youssef (Egypt), Nedim Şener (Posta, Turkey) and Nguyen Van Hai (Dieu Cay, Vietnam)–face severe reprisals…

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(Free Journalists Network of Vietnam)

CPJ petition calls for release of blogger Dieu Cay

New York, November 12, 2013–The Committee to Protect Journalists has created a petition that calls on Vietnamese President Truong Tan Sang and Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung to immediately release unjustly imprisoned blogger Nguyen Van Hai.

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Clockwise from top left: Nedim Şener, Janet Hinostroza, Nguyen Van Hai, Bassem Youssef (AP, Sebastián Oquendo, To Coucle Refaat, Free Journalists Network of Vietnam)

News from the Committee to Protect Journalists, September 2013

Press freedom award winners announced Four journalists–Janet Hinostroza (Teleamazonas, Ecuador), Bassem Youssef (Capital Broadcast Center, Egypt), Nedim Şener (Posta, Turkey), and Nguyen Van Hai (Dieu Cay, Vietnam)–will be honored with CPJ’s 2013 International Press Freedom Awards in recognition of their courageous reporting in the face of severe reprisal.Upon receiving the news, Hinostroza told CPJ: “It will…

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Harsh prison sentences for 3 Vietnamese bloggers

Days after CPJ issued a special report on Vietnam’s confined media, authorities sentenced three bloggers, Nguyen Van Hai, Ta Phong Tan, and Phan Thanh Hai, to harsh prison terms on anti-state charges.In a statement to the International Herald Tribune, CPJ Senior Southeast Asia representative, Shawn Crispin underscores the extreme risks that journalists in Vietnam face…

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