Instagram campaign to focus on jailed journalists in Kyrgyzstan, Egypt, Eritrea, Vietnam, and elsewhere New York, December 2, 2019–The Committee to Protect Journalists today launched its annual #FreeThePress campaign to raise awareness of jailed journalists globally. The campaign will highlight the plight of several journalists via CPJ’s Instagram account.
The 2019 International Press Freedom Awards go to Brazilian reporter, Indian freelancer, Nicaraguan broadcast journalists, and Tanzanian champion of online freedom of expression New York, November 22, 2019—The Committee to Protect Journalists and press freedom supporters from around the world celebrated journalists from Brazil, India, Nicaragua, and Tanzania last night at the 29th annual International…
Washington, D.C., November 18, 2019—The Committee to Protect Journalists met today at the White House with U.S. Vice President Mike Pence, along with the 2019 International Press Freedom Award recipients, to raise concerns about threats to press freedom around the globe.
“Protect Press Freedom” campaign media partners include Barron’s, CBS News, Comcast-NBC Universal, CNN, Facebook, Gannett/USA TODAY NETWORK, The Los Angeles Times, McClatchy, The New York Times, NPR, Reveal from The Center for Investigative Reporting, Reuters, Scripps, Sinclair, Twitter, The Wall Street Journal/Dow Jones, The Washington Post WASHINGTON, NOVEMBER 7, 2019— The nonprofit organizations the Reporters…
New York, October 29, 2019—Impunity in the cases of murdered journalists remains firmly entrenched in over a dozen countries, including those mired in conflict and democracies alike, the Committee to Protect Journalists’ Global Impunity Index, published today, found. The report spotlights countries where journalists are murdered regularly and their killers go free.
New York, September 12, 2019–The Committee to Protect Journalists, in collaboration with United Photo Industries and St. Ann’s Warehouse, today will unveil a special exhibit, “Journalists Under Fire,” at the annual Photoville festival in New York City. The exhibit features photographs by journalists killed in connection to their work and journalists from across the world…
Authoritarian nations double-down on censorship New York, September 10, 2019—Eritrea is the world’s most censored country, according to a report released today by the Committee to Protect Journalists. The list of 10 Most Censored Countries is based on CPJ’s research into the censorship tactics used by authoritarian governments, ranging from imprisonment and repressive laws to…
New York, September 05, 2019—The Committee to Protect Journalists will participate in LA Press Freedom Week, a multi-day celebration of press freedom and the importance of the First Amendment, in Los Angeles from September 16-20. The event is sponsored by the Hollywood Foreign Press Association and the Los Angeles Times, in collaboration with CPJ, the…
New York, September 4, 2019—The Committee to Protect Journalists today released a collection of safety resources for female journalists. The package features an analysis of CPJ data from a survey of female and gender non-conforming journalists in the U.S. and Canada, an infographic, and specialized safety advice.
New York, July 16, 2019–The Committee to Protect Journalists will honor journalists from Brazil, India, Nicaragua, and Tanzania with the 2019 International Press Freedom Awards amid the erosion of press freedom in democracies around the globe. The journalists have faced online harassment, legal and physical threats, and imprisonment in their pursuit of the news. CPJ…