CPJ expresss grave concern about Israeli forces’ bombings of at least four buildings in Gaza housing the offices of no less than 18 international and local media outlets, and the Israeli airstrike that killed Palestinian journalist Yousef Abu Hussein.
The Committee to Protect Journalists writes to Kurdistan Regional Government Prime Minister Masrour Barzani, and calls on him to condemn the recent intimidation of local news outlets and do everything in his power to ensure the press is able to carry out their work freely and safely without fear of reprisal.
CPJ asks Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to arrange for the immediate and unconditional release of jailed journalist Shafiqul Islam Kajol, whose ill health makes him especially vulnerable to COVID-19 infection, potentially putting his life in danger.
The Committee to Protect Journalists joined 397 writers, journalists, academics, press freedom advocates, and civil society members to urge Prime Minister Modi to immediately release Kashmiri journalist Aasif Sultan, who has been imprisoned for two years.