For data on press freedom violations in the U.S., visit the U.S. Press Freedom Tracker, a partnership between CPJ and Freedom of the Press Foundation.
Read CPJ’s report On Edge: What the US election could mean for journalists and global press freedom.
A new report investigating conduct by St. Paul police during last summer’s Republican National Convention faults them over their handling of journalists. But the St. Paul Police Department’s response to the report raises questions over how the department will respond to journalists, including those from alternative and new media outlets, who cover similar future events.
Kenyan President Mwai Kibaki says he will reconsider the deeply flawed communications legislation that he signed into law at the beginning of the year. Kibaki said he would direct the Information Ministry and attorney general to consider the concerns of Kenya’s media and present them to the cabinet for possible legislative revision. CPJ and other…
The Chauncey Bailey Project is shaking up California authorities from Oakland to Sacramento, after alleging misconduct by police–including mishandling or withholding evidence by the chief detective investigating their colleague’s murder. Evidence recently published by the project, a rare, ad hoc consortium of committed journalists, has led the Alameda district attorney to open an independent oversight…
On Wednesday, the U.S. State Department announced it decided to issue visas to two Cuban journalists who had previously been denied reentry into the U.S. As a footnote to the transcript of spokesman Sean McCormack’s discussion about the case of Cuban journalists Ilsa Rodriguez Santana and her husband, Tomas Anael Granados Jimenez, which was reviewed…
Each year, CPJ compiles an annual census of journalists imprisoned around the world, and every year since 2001, the U.S has figured on this list of infamy. During this period, journalists have been imprisoned right here in this country for refusing to reveal their sources; imprisoned by the U.S. military in Iraq for long periods…
CPJ’s Washington Representative Frank Smyth has a posting on The Hill Blog today about the recent arrests of journalists covering protests around the Republican National Convention in Minneapolis. Read our alert on the incidents here, and click here to watch video footage of the arrests posted yesterday.Read Smyth’s post at The Hill Blog.
Producers Amy Goodman, Sharif Abdel Kouddous, and Nicole Salazar from Democracy Now! were arrested while reporting on street demonstrations at the Republican National Convention. All three journalists were released today. Also arrested was Associated Press photographer Matt Rourke.This video shows Amy Goodman being placed under arrest: Nicole Salazar shot this footage of her own arrest:
ABC News producer Asa Eslocker was arrested on Wednesday while working on a story outside Denver’s Brown Palace Hotel during the Democratic National Convention. He was arrested on charges of interference, trespass and failure to obey a lawful order, according to The Associated Press.