On the Record: The State of Press Freedom

Around the world, press freedom is under threat. Perhaps the most alarming indicator of this is the extent to which countries traditionally thought of as beacons of press freedom have seen a spike in hostility to the independent media. From President Trump’s threats to put journalists in jail, to physical assaults of the media, the level of hostility towards the American press today seems unprecedented. With the normalization of hateful rhetoric, journalists and press freedom advocates are increasingly concerned by the media climate here in the United States, and where this trend might lead. This vital discussion featuring journalists and lawyers, will address these current challenges and the solutions we can unite behind.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017
6:30 pm ET
New York

Program: 6:30 pm
Reception: 8:00 pm

Welcome: The Paley Center for Media

Introductory remarks: Alberto Ibargüen, President & CEO, John S. and James L. Knight Foundation

Presentation: Bruce Brown, Executive Director, Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press; Joel Simon, Executive Director, Committee to Protect Journalists

Panel Discussion:
Elisabeth Bumiller, Washington Bureau Chief, The New York Times
Eve Burton, SVP & General Counsel, Hearst
Mollie Hemingway, Senior Editor, The Federalist
Jameel Jaffer, Executive Director, Knight First Amendment Institute, Columbia University
Shawna Thomas, Washington Bureau Chief, VICE News
Moderated by: Brian Stelter, Host, CNN’s Reliable Sources; Senior Media Correspondent, CNN

For more information, please email Megan Marcus at mmarcus@paleycenter.org.