In Germany, the editors of the political blog were recently accused of treason; in Hungary internal censorship is becoming increasingly common as pro-government media enjoy preferential treatment; in Spain, a highly controversial security law, known as the “Gag Law,” evokes fears that journalists can no longer freely report from demonstrations.
What is the state of media freedom in the EU? How do surveillance and data retention laws influence journalists’ working condition? Which role do nationalist politicians play in eroding press freedom in their countries?
While media freedom is enshrined in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, the EU institutions have few tools to effectively counter attacks on media freedom. What is the way forward, how can we make sure that – in terms of media freedom – all that glitters is gold?
Hans H. Stein Director European Dialogue Programme, Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom
Jean-Paul Marthoz EU Correspondent, Committee to Protect Journalists Author of “Balancing Act: Press Freedom at risk as EU struggles to match action with values”
Krisztina Stump Deputy Head of Unit, DG CONNECT, European Commission György Petöcz Journalist, Freedom Foundation Hungary
Lorenzo Consoli Journalist, Former chair, Association de la Presse Internationale
Niklaus Nuspliger Brussels Correspondent, Neue Züricher Zeitung
WHEN: Thursday, October 22, 2015; 2:00 – 4:00 P.M.
WHERE: Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit
Avenue de Cortenbergh 71
1000 Brussels
Please register for this event before October 16, 2015 by sending an email to
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