Europe & Central Asia


Radio Station Director Vows to Revive Her News Operation

“During a visit to CPJ’s New York office on April 19, Kosovar Albanian journalist Aferdita Kelmendi described how Serbian paramilitaries forced her to leave Pristina on March 29 after she had hidden for five days in various places throughout the city. ÒWe knew that, as journalists, we would be a target,Ó said Kelmendi, who served…

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East Timorese Militias Turn Their Fury on the Press

“Journalists covering the violent political convulsions that gripped East Timor this spring found themselves the targets of pro-Indonesia militias angered by press coverage of their activities. In the run-up to August’s United Nations-sponsored vote on the territory’s future status, political instability in East Timor escalated, prompting fears of a full-scale civil war. Jakarta’s surprise announcement…

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Tunisia: Attacks of the Press 1992-1999

1999 April 28, 1999 Taoufik Ben Brik, La Croix HARASSED Ben Brik, a correspondent for the Paris-based daily La Croix, was prevented by Tunisian authorities from leaving the country for a planned trip to Switzerland after police at Tunis-Carthage Airport confiscated his passport, claiming that the document was missing a page and therefore Ben Brik could…

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CPJ Update: Milosevic regime tightens noose around domestic critics and foreign reporters

April 28, 1999 — The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), a nonpartisan organization dedicated to safeguarding press freedom around the world, has documented recent moves by Yugoslav authorities to stamp out the last vestiges of independent reporting, while upping the stakes for foreign correspondents, who now face the risk of long-term detention. April 26: Military…

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State-run Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS) Target of NATO Missle Attack

April 23, 1999 His Excellency Javier Solana NATO Secretary General Via FAX: 011-322-724-3422 Your Excellency, The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) is deeply disturbed by NATO’s missile attack against state-run Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS) in downtown Belgrade early this morning. The attack destroyed RTS’s main newsroom and studios, knocking it off the air…

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State-run Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS) Target of NATO Missle Attack

April 23, 1999 His Excellency Javier Solana NATO Secretary General Via FAX: 011-322-724-3422 Your Excellency, The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) is deeply disturbed by NATO’s missile attack against state-run Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS) in downtown Belgrade early this morning. The attack destroyed RTS’s main newsroom and studios, knocking it off the air…

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CPJ Joins Press Freedom Community Protest against NATO Bombing of Media Targets in Belgrade, Kosovar Albanian Journalist tells of Expulsion from Pristina, German TV Correspondent Missing in Yugoslavia.

April 22, 1999 — CPJ has joined the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and other press freedom groups in condemning the predawn April 21 NATO air attack that knocked three television channels in Belgrade off the air. CPJ and other members of the International Freedom of Expression Exchange (IFEX) signed the IFJ’s April 21 letter…

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CPJ Update: Press Caught in Crossfire of Kosovo Conflict

April 16, 1999 — The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), a nonpartisan organization dedicated to safeguarding press freedom around the world, has documented several alarming new developments for the press in Yugoslavia. April 15 – Independent Media Commission Orders Kanal S Television Off the Air The Independent Media Commission (IMC), a body comprised of local…

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CPJ Dangerous Assignments

“A Letter to Learn From” By Ihsan Sureyya Sirma Published in Milli Gazete,April 14, 1999 There are elections (!) next Sunday. We will elect our so-called representatives. We should think carefully before we decide who to vote for.

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CPJ Update: Four Independent Radio Stations are Silenced, Independent Television Station is Shut Down, ANEM Offices Seized, Three Foreign Correspondents Detained.

April 4,1999 — Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic’s assault on independent journalists continued and intensified this weekend. The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), a non-partisan organization dedicated to safeguarding press freedom around the world, has documented several alarming new developments, learned on Saturday, April 3, and early Sunday, April 4, 1999.

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