Magnus Ag
Assistant Advocacy Director Magnus Ag is a New York-based human rights advocate and journalist. Prior to joining CPJ in 2010, Ag worked as head of section in the Danish Ministry for Science, Technology, and Innovation. He holds a bachelor's and a master's degree in political science from the University of Copenhagen. He speaks English, Danish, and Norwegian. Contact him here or follow him on Twitter @AgMagnus.

News from the Committee to Protect Journalists, May 2013
Gunman sentenced in murder of Philippine journalistCPJ has extensively covered the case of radio journalist Gerardo Ortega, who was killed in January 2011 in the Philippines, and has provided non-financial support for the Ortega family. Through our Global Campaign Against Impunity and the new digital component Speak Justice: Voices Against Impunity, CPJ has also pressured the Philippine government to…

News from the Committee to Protect Journalists, April 2013
A legislative milestone in Mexico In what CPJ called “a step forward in the fight against impunity,” Mexico approved legislation that would implement a constitutional amendment giving federal authorities broader jurisdiction to prosecute crimes against freedom of expression. The legislation, passed on April 25, will implement a constitutional amendment approved by the Mexican federal congress in 2012. The measure…

News from the Committee to Protect Journalists, March 2013
Remembering Tony Lewis CPJ mourns the death this month of Anthony Lewis, one of the organization’s founding board members and a recipient of its 2009 Burton Benjamin Award for lifetime achievement. Lewis passed away on March 25. “Back in 1981, when CPJ was being formed and its board of directors assembled, Tony Lewis … was…

CPJ Impact
News from the Committee to Protect Journalists, February 2013 CPJ launches 2013 edition of Attacks on the Press An unprecedented rise in the number of journalists killed and imprisoned in the past year coupled with restrictive legislation and state censorship is jeopardizing independent reporting in many countries, according to Attacks on the Press, CPJ’s yearly…

CPJ Impact
News from the Committee to Protect Journalists, December 2012 2012: A year of reporting dangerously Over the past several months, we documented in CPJ Impact violations of press freedom around the world and the efforts we made to combat them. This edition features highlights from 2012, when CPJ stepped in and advocated for journalists and…

CPJ International Press Freedom Awards 2012
22nd Annual Ceremony and Dinner To benefit the Committee to Protect Journalists Four fearless journalists from Brazil, China, Kyrgyzstan, and Liberia were honored Tuesday, November 20, evening at the Committee to Protect Journalists’ 22nd International Press Freedom Awards benefit dinner, an annual recognition of courageous journalism, hosted by PBS senior correspondent Gwen Ifill. Award winners…
Mauri König Award Acceptance Speech
Mauri König, BrazilGazeto do Povo Acceptance Speech CPJ International Press Freedom Award 2012November 20, 2012Waldorf-Astoria, 301 Park Avenue, New York City A translation of the speech is below Today I feel that I am the most privileged of journalists. First, to be alive and have escaped situations that really could have ended badly; second, because…
Mae Azango Award Acceptance Speech
Mae Azango, LiberiaFrontPage Africa and New Narratives Acceptance SpeechCPJ International Press Freedom Award 2012November 20, 2012Waldorf-Astoria, 301 Park Avenue, New York City Ladies and Gentlemen This is my shortest speech ever, because I can talk non-stop for hours without knowing it, but I will try my best to keep it short and simple, (KISS) as…
A letter of thanks from Askarov
Awardee Azimjon Askarov is serving a life sentence for his critical reporting. After learning about CPJ’s award on Voice of America’s Uzbek service, Askarov wrote a letter of thanks. A translation of the full letter is below. Dear IPFA guests, dear CPJ, I learned of your decision to present me with the International Press Freedom…
Video: Free the Press
2012 CPJ International Press Freedom Awards (Courtesy of CNN) CPJ’s Free the Press video premiered at the 2012 International Press Freedom Awards ceremony. The video, which features the growing plight of imprisoned journalists worldwide, will become the centerpiece of the forthcoming Free the Press, a campaign dedicated to winning the release of imprisoned journalists. More…