Laureano Márquez/CPJ Guest Blogger
Laureano Márquez is a humorist, journalist, author, and actor based in Caracas. His columns appear regularly in the Caracas daily Tal Cual and other national publications, and he is also the author of three books of humor, including the 2004 national bestseller, Código Bochinche. Márquez was the recipient of a CPJ International Press Freedom Award in 2010.

Hugo Chávez, free expression prize winner
Just as the awardee himself anticipated (in his subconscious, after all, he is no idiot), this “freedom of expression award” stirred up disapproval and indignation across the board. Notwithstanding, no one should question the decision of Argentina’s University of La Plata. If anyone has freedom of expression in Venezuela, it’s the prize-winner: He talks and…