

Indonesia: Another journalist killed in East Timor

Mr. Martin, The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) strongly condemns the killing of Agus Muliawan, an Indonesian journalist who was among a group of nine church workers massacred on Saturday, September 25, as they traveled to Baucau from Lospalos, East Timor. The gunmen were identified in Western news reports as Indonesian troops or pro-Jakarta militia.

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Indonesia: Dutch journalist killed in East Timor

September 22, 1999 His Excellency Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie President, Republic of Indonesia Office of the President Bina Graha, Jalan Veteran No. 17 Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia Your Excellency, The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) strongly condemns yesterday’s brutal murder of Sander Thoenes, a Dutch freelance journalist on assignment in Dili, East Timor.

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Indonesia: One foreign journalist killed, two others attacked

Click here to read CPJ’s September 22 protest letter to President Habibie of Indonesia. September 22, 1999 — One foreign journalist was found dead this morning near Dili, while two others were rescued last night by Australian peacekeeping troops after their car was attacked yesterday. The body of Sander Thoenes, 30, a Dutch freelance reporter…

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Indonesian Military Power Undimmed by Humiliations

Sander Thoenes on why the generals cannot be written off as a political force in Indonesia Jakarta— Foreign troops restoring order in East Timor may represent a humiliation for the Indonesian military but the generals who ruled for more than 30 years cannot be written off, according to analysts in Jakarta.

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Indonesian authorities deport U.S. journalist

September 20, 1999- Allan Nairn, the American journalist detained by Indonesian authorities on September 14, was deported from Indonesia to Singapore today. He flew out from Bali, having been flown from West Timor to Bali on Sunday. Nairn told Associated Press and Agence France Presse reporters in Singapore that he believed Indonesian armed forces chief…

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Indonesian authorities threaten to prosecute blacklisted U.S. journalist Allan Nairn

Your Excellency, The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) is deeply concerned over reports that Indonesian authorities intend to prosecute American journalist Allan Nairn for entering the country in violation of immigration laws. Nairn’s name appears on a “blacklist” compiled by the Indonesian armed forces, barring the journalist from reporting in Indonesia.

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Indonesia: Detained U.S. journalist flown out of East Timor

September 15, 1999 — CPJ has learned that Indonesian military authorities flew American journalist Allan Nairn out of East Timor on a military jet today, having detained him for more than 24 hours in the capital city of Dili. He was taken to Kupang, West Timor. Nairn is a freelance journalist who filed regular reports…

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Indonesia: American journalist detained in East Timor

Your Excellency, The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) is alarmed by the Indonesian military’s detention of the American journalist Allan Nairn in Dili, the capital of East Timor. Nairn has been covering East Timor for the U.S.-based Pacifica Radio program “Democracy Now!” and the political weekly The Nation.

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High court jails Canadian journalist for contempt

Your Excellency, The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) is outraged by the Malaysian Court of Appeal’s decision to imprison Far Eastern Economic Review correspondent Murray Hiebert for contempt of court. Hiebert’s sentencing makes Malaysia the only Commonwealth country to have imprisoned a journalist on contempt charges in half a century, according to his lawyers.

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CPJ Condemns Jailing of Canadian Journalist in Malaysia

Click here to read CPJ’s recent protest about the Murray Hiebert case. Bangkok, Thailand, September 11, 1999 — The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) deplores today’s decision by the Malaysian Court of Appeal to imprison Far Eastern Economic Review correspondent Murray Hiebert for contempt of court. Hiebert became the first reporter in Malaysia ever sent…

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