SEPTEMBER 24, 2007 Reported September 27, 2007 Milli Paygham (National Message) radio station Radio Istiqlal (Independence) radio station ATTACKED The two stations, both affiliates of Internews, a U.S.-based media training and advocacy group, were attacked at roughly the same time. Shortly after 12 a.m. September 24, a group of unknown gunmen attacked the Milli Paygham…
AUGUST 28, 2007 Posted August 28, 2007 Mohammad Zahir Bahand, Salam Watandar, Reporter DETAINED, INTERROGATED, THREATENED Bahand was kidnapped by Taliban in the vicinity of the Pulisurkh area in Sayedabad district of Wardak province and was released after a few hours of questioning, according to Kabul-based radio station Salam Watandar’s manager Sanjar Qiam. Bahand was…
New York, August 23, 2007—A Canadian journalist traveling with a military convoy in southern Afghanistan was injured Wednesday when the armored vehicle in which he was riding hit a roadside bomb in Kandahar province, a Taliban stronghold. Two Canadian soldiers and an Afghan interpreter were killed by the explosion. Radio-Canada cameraman Charles Dubois sustained a…
AUGUST 17, 2007 Posted August 20, 2007 Yawali Ghag radio station ATTACKED At around 2 a.m., a group of about 12 Taliban fighters attacked the office of the Yawali Ghag community radio station in Wardak province, just west of Kabul, according to local journalists. The fighters assaulted the station’s guard, bound him, and briefly held…
AUGUST 12, 2007 Posted August 17, 2007 Yawali Ghag radio station ATTACKED At around 2 a.m., a group of about 12 Taliban fighters attacked the office of the Yawali Ghag community radio station in Wardak province, just west of Kabul, according to local journalists. The fighters assaulted the station’s guard, bound him, and briefly held…
JULY 4, 2007 Posted September 25, 2007 Kamran Mir Hazar—Salaam Watandar, KabulPress DETAINED, HARASSED, THREATENED Mir Hazar, Web master and journalist for the national radio news program Salaam Watandar and chief editor of the Web site KabulPress, was detained twice by Afghan secret police, put under surveillance, and warned not to continue writing articles criticizing…