Peru / Americas


Attacks on the Press 2005: Peru

PERU Attacks and threats against the press, particularly in Peru’s interior, continued a disturbing upward trend that began in 2004. After lessening in frequency and severity after President Alberto Fujimori fled office in 2000, assaults on journalists were reported regularly in 2005. The Lima-based press freedom organization Instituto Prensa y Sociedad, considered the authoritative local…

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CPJ welcomes convictions in murder of radio journalist

New York, December 16, 2005—The Committee to Protect Journalists welcomes the conviction by a Peruvian court of three men in the murder of radio journalist Antonio de la Torre Echeandía in Yungay, northern Áncash Region. On December 15, the Áncash Superior Court of Justice found former Yungay Mayor Amaro León guilty of masterminding the February…

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The Hands That Feed

Colombia may be unique in the extent to which its press censors itself in fear of physical reprisals. Powerful economic factors, though hardly exceptional, add yet more pressure.

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CPJ Update

CPJ Update July 15, 2005 News from the Committee to Protect Journalists Return to front page | See previous Updates

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In Peru, journalists convicted of criminal defamation

New York, May 5, 2005—The Committee to Protect Journalists condemns yesterday’s verdict against Sally Bowen, a British freelance journalist who was tried on criminal defamation charges stemming from a single sentence about a high-profile businessman in a 2003 book. Judge Alfredo Catacora Acevedo found Bowen guilty of criminal defamation and ordered her and her publisher…

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MAY 4, 2005 Updated December 12, 2005 Sally Bowen, freelance LEGAL ACTION, HARASSED In May 2005, Judge Alfredo Catacora Acevedo found British freelance journalist Sally Bowen guilty of criminal defamation and ordered her and her publisher to pay $10,000 Peruvian soles (US$3,000) to businessman Fernando Zevallos. Catacora also sentenced Bowen to one year of probation…

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Attacks on the Press 2004: Americas Analysis

Overview by Carlos Lauría Journalists throughout the Americas came under increased attack in 2004 for reporting on political corruption, drug trafficking, and organized crime. Although democratic rights have been expanding in the region, press freedom has not always improved as a result.

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Attacks on the Press 2004: Peru

Peru Attacks and threats against journalists increased considerably in 2004, reversing a decline that had followed Alejandro Toledo’s accession to the presidency in 2001. And while Peruvian journalists generally work freely, several have been prosecuted on criminal defamation charges. The embattled Toledo, a highly unpopular leader whose term ends in July 2006, has faced several…

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JANUARY 19, 2005 Posted: March 1, 2005 Julio Jara Ladrón de Guevara, El Comercio LEGAL ACTION Jara, editor and publisher of the daily El Comercio, based in the southern city of Cusco, was convicted of criminal defamation charges brought by a former government official. He received a one-year suspended sentence.

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JANUARY 6, 2005 Posted: March 23, 2005 Luis Aguirre Pastor, La Voz de Madre de Dios LEGAL ACTION Aguirre, a radio journalist based in the city of Puerto Maldonado in the southern Madre de Dios region, could be barred from working as a journalist for a year after an appeals court upheld his September 2003…

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