NOVEMBER 14, 2007 Posted December 28, 207 Alberto Rivera Fernández, Frecuencia Oriental KILLED The Superior Court of Ucayali sentenced two men for Rivera’s 2004 murder but acquitted two others accused of masterminding the killing, including a former mayor, the Peruvian press reported.
MAY 24, 2007 Orlando Rucana Cuba, Radio Melodía and Radio Alegría Manuel Caballero Vidal, Canal 13 TV THREATENED Rucana, director of the daily news programs on Radio Melodía and Radio Alegría, told CPJ that he received a text message on May 24 threatening him and a colleague with death.
MAY 22, 2007 Rocío Vásquez Goicochea, Investigando Chimbote LEGAL ACTION The Fifth Criminal Court of Lima convicted Vásquez, director of the weekly Investigando Chimbote in the northeastern Áncash region, of defamation, the journalist told CPJ. Vásquez was handed a one-year suspended prison sentence and ordered to pay 3,000 soles (US$900) as civil reparation to local…
To examine press conditions in Venezuela, a joint delegation from CPJ and the Peru-based Instituto Prensa y Sociedad (IPYS) visited Caracas from January 7 to 13. The CPJ-IPYS delegation met with members of private and state-owned media, government officials, media executives, press freedom advocates, lawyers, and scholars during its weeklong mission.
New York, March 19, 2007—Two hooded gunmen shot and killed a popular Peruvian radio commentator in front of his wife and children on Saturday night, according to news reports. Eyewitnesses quoted by the Lima daily La República said the attackers opened fire on Miguel Pérez Julca as the journalist and his family were nearing the…
PERU A Supreme Court decision overturning a local mayor’s conviction in the murder of a radio journalist alarmed the news media and punctuated a year in which provincial reporters faced threats and attacks from local officials and their supporters. Citing a lack of evidence, the high court ordered the release of Yungay Mayor Amaro León…