ATTACKS ON THE PRESS: 2009• Main Index AMERICAS Regional Analysis: • In the Americas, Big Brother is watching reporters Country Summaries • Argentina • Brazil • Colombia • Cuba • Ecuador • Honduras • Mexico • Nicaragua • United States • Venezuela • Other developments BOLIVIA An anonymous caller threatened Raphael Ramírez, editor of the…
New York, February 9, 2010—In a controversial ruling, a Peruvian tribunal acquitted on Monday two alleged masterminds in the 2004 murder of radio reporter Alberto Rivera Fernández, the local press reported. The Committee to Protect Journalists today called on Peruvian judicial authorities to review the ruling and ensure that all those responsible for killing Rivera, left,…
New York, January 14, 2010—The editor of a Peruvian weekly newspaper in the Amazonian city of Bagua, Utcubamba province, was sentenced on Tuesday to one year in jail on defamation charges, according to local news reports. The Committee to Protect Journalists called today for his immediate release.Alejandro Carrascal Carrasco, at right, editor of the Bagua-based…
Canada | Chile | Dominican Republic | El Salvador | Haiti | Nicaragua | Panama | Peru CANADA • A Canadian court ordered news organizations not to report on the details of the bail hearings of 17 suspects accused of terrorism in March. The court acted under a provision in the Canadian Criminal Code that…
Lima’s 27th Criminal Court found Medina, host of the nightly gossip show “Magaly TeVe” on national television station ATV and owner of the weekly magazine Magaly, and Guerrero, her producer, guilty of defaming Peruvian soccer star Paolo Guerrero.
New York, April 18, 2008—The Committee to Protect Journalists welcomes Wednesday’s conviction of two men by a Peruvian court in the March 2007 murder of radio journalist Miguel Pérez Julca. A court in the northwestern Peruvian city of Jaén convicted Juan Hurtado Vásquez of masterminding Pérez’s murder and Nazario Coronel Ramírez, also known as “Chamaya,”…
APRIL 1, 2008 Posted May 5, 2008 Paúl Garay Ramírez, Del Pueblo HARASSED Two unidentified men attempted to kidnap Garay, director of the local weekly El Pueblo, on April 1 in Pucallpa in the eastern province of Ucayali, the journalist told CPJ. Since then, unknown individuals have visited his home, as well as his mother…
FEBRUARY 22, 2008 Posted April 22, 2008 Miguel Ramírez, El Comercio THREATENED Ramírez, a well-known investigative journalist for the Peruvian national daily El Comercio, was threatened with death after reporting on a local drug kingpin, the reporter said in an interview with CPJ. Ramírez, who has investigated the kingpin for over a decade, said he…