Stef Schrader was on vacation in Germany last year when spam messages started to flood her inbox. Seeing random emails from Macy’s—and job alerts for the position of “Chief Idiot”—she realized someone had signed her work email up to dozens of email lists.
Rio de Janeiro, August 30, 2019–Brazilian authorities must thoroughly investigate threats against reporter Adecio Piran, hold those responsible to account, and ensure the reporter’s safety, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today.
Mexico City, August 27, 2019—The Committee to Protect Journalists today called for an immediate, transparent, and credible investigation into the killing of Nevith Condés Jaramillo, a reporter stabbed to death in the central Mexican state of Estado de México.
The Committee to Protect Journalists along with partner organizations write to Sacramento Police Chief Daniel Hahn to urge the Sacramento Police Department to fulfill its commitment to respect the rights of journalists covering protests in the city.
Miami, August 15, 2019—The Committee to Protect Journalists expressed concern today over reports that Chile’s army allegedly ordered a surveillance operation against the investigative journalist Mauricio Weibel Barahona in 2016, when he was researching claims of misconduct in the armed forces.
Miami, August 13, 2019–The Committee to Protect Journalists today condemned a shooting attack on Haitian journalist Luckson Saint-Vil in southern Haiti last week, and urged Haitian authorities to investigate threats against Saint-Vil and identify and prosecute the attackers.
Miami, August 12, 2019—The Committee to Protect Journalists today expressed alarm at the use of Venezuela’s Anti-Hate Law for Tolerance and Peaceful Coexistence to jail journalist Wilmer Quintana García. Quintana was arrested for several posts published on his personal Facebook page alleging corruption in the provision of public services in Guárico state, according to a…
Yesterday, the Committee to Protect Journalists and the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press (RCFP) filed a lawsuit against the United States government seeking to obtain documents concerning steps taken by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to investigate leakers and to identify journalists’ sources.
Miami, August 8, 2019–A municipal court of the Cuban city of Guantánamo yesterday sentenced Roberto Jesús Quiñones, a contributor to the news website CubaNet, to one year in prison on charges of “resistance” and “disobedience,” according to advocacy group Cuban Institute for Freedom of Expression and of the Press and media reports.