CPJ home | IPF Winners Gustavo GorritiLa Prensa No one exemplifies the remarkable transformation of Latin American journalism better than Gustavo Gorriti. During the 1980s, Gorriti made his name as a war correspondent, hiking along jungle trails to report on the brutal conflict in his native Peru. Today, with the guns quiet, he spends his…
Attacks on the Press in 1997 Introduction: Attacks on the Press in 1997 Imprisoned Index imprision country list Imprisoned Journalists confirmedright1.html Contributors: Attacks on the Press in 1997 Index: Attacks on the Press in 1997 Credits: Attacks on the Press in 1997-Credits Attacks on the Press in 1997 Attacks on the Press in 1997 Imprisoned…
CPJ News Alerts, 1997 Mexico: Killing of Journalist Condemned Indonesia: Ahmed Taufik accepts award Press Freedom Groups Condemn Algeria’s Silencing of Independent Press Algeria: Letter to the Embassy of Algeria 185 Journalists Imprisoned Worldwide Proceeds from Michael Bloomberg’s Book to Benefit CPJ Bosnia: Dayton Accords Broken Letter to Madeleine Albright Cambodian Journalists Threatened by Military…
For most of the U.S. media, there was only one “South America story” last winter and well into the spring: the four-month stand-off in Lima between the hostage-holding Tupac Amaru guerrillas and the government of Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori. The media’s focus on Peru obscured an important story that galvanized public opinion in another major…
The publication in March of CPJ’s Attacks on the Press in 1996 was the culmination of months of intense preparation by CPJ staff, investigating and verifying more than 1,000 documented cases of violations of press freedom worldwide. The 376-page volume, edited by Publications Director Alice Chasan, is the longest and most comprehensive of CPJ’s annual…
Attacks on the Press in 1996: Table of Contents CPJ News Alert Angola: Attacks on the Press in 1996 Botswana: Attacks on the Press in 1996 Central African Republic: Attacks on the Press in 1996 Cameroon: Attacks on the Press in 1996 ethiopia: Attacks on the Press in 1996 the gambia: Attacks on the Press…
CPJ News Alerts, 1996 Algeria: Arrest Of Newspaper Cartoonist Groups Urge Algerian Government to Release Political Cartoonist alg3.12.html Assassination of Algerian Radio Host Historic Verdict in Argentine Libel Case Journalists from India, Mexico, Palestinian Authority, Turkey To Receive Award Serbia / Montenegro: Chronology of events Balkans Press Freedom Mission Recent Attack on U.S Journalist in…