Nueva York, 28 de febrero de 2000 – Agentes federales en Yuma, Arizona, arrestaron a dos hermanos acusados en el asesinato en 1997 de Benjamín Flores González, editor del periódico mexicano La Prensa. Según The Arizona Daily Star, Ismael y Gabriel González Gutiérrez fueron arrestados por acusaciones de narcotráfico el 24 de febrero, después de…
New York, Feb. 25, 2000—In a letter sent to President Alberto K. Fujimori on Wednesday, CPJ expressed deep concern about the court-ordered confiscation of broadcast equipment used by the independent station Radio 1160. Ostensibly, the equipment was seized in compensation for an old debt. But according to CPJ’s sources, the real purpose of the February…
Your Excellency, The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) is writing to protest the court-ordered confiscation of broadcast equipment used by the independent station Radio 1160. Ostensibly, the equipment was seized in compensation for an old debt. But according to CPJ’s sources, the real purpose of the February 16 raid was to silence journalist César Hildebrandt’s recently-launched program “Ondas de Libertad” (“Freedom Waves”), which has aired critical views of Your Excellency’s regime.
New York, Feb. 15, 2000—CPJ is deeply concerned about the safety of Guillermo Cortés, editorial director of “Hora Cero,” a nightly television news program broadcast on Canal A in Bogotá, who was kidnapped on January 22 and remains missing. While no one has claimed responsibility for the kidnapping, new evidence points to the Revolutionary Armed…
New York, February 8, 2000 – The Committee to Protect Journalists continued its campaign to win freedom for jailed Cuban journalist Jesús Joel Díaz Hernández by delivering 312 signed advocacy cards calling for his release to the Cuba Interests Section in Washington this weekend. The cards were sent by courier on February 4, and signed…
New York, January 31, 2000 – CPJ is gravely concerned for the safety of Guillermo Cortés, director of “Hora Cero,” a nightly television news program broadcast on Canal A in Bogotá. Cortés was kidnapped on January 22 and has not been heard from since. Local journalists informed CPJ that six armed men kidnapped Cortés, known…
New York, December 21, 1999 — Cuban state security officers today released four journalists arrested last Thursday afternoon, according to information received by CPJ. The journalists were apparently arrested to prevent them covering an anti-government demonstration scheduled for last Friday in Havana. Sources in Cuba reported that Juan González Febles, Adela Soto Alvarez, María del…
New York, December 21, 1999 — Panamanian President Mireya Moscoso signed a bill yesterday eliminating two of the country’s “gag laws,” which have been used to stifle press freedom. Moscoso described the gag laws as a “sword of Damocles hanging over the media in Panama” and pledged to work for the elimination of the other…
New York, December 17, 1999 — CPJ has learned that Cuban state security officers arrested four journalists yesterday afternoon and placed six more under house arrest this morning in an apparent attempt to prevent them from covering an anti-government demonstration scheduled to take place today in Havana. Sources in Cuba report that Juan González Febles,…