Managua, Nicaragua, July 8, 2020 – Honduran authorities must thoroughly investigate the killing of journalists German Vallecillo Jr. and Jorge Posas, and hold those responsible to account, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. On July 1, two unidentified individuals shot Vallecillo Jr., a host for the local privately owned TV station Canal 45, and…
Nueva York, 26 de junio de 2020 – En respuesta a la entrada en vigor, el día de ayer, de un nuevo Código Penal en Honduras que mantiene sanciones penales por los llamados “delitos contra el honor”, entre ellos la calumnia y la injuria, el Comité para la Protección de los Periodistas (CPJ, por sus…
New York, June 26, 2020 – In response to yesterday’s enactment of a new penal code in Honduras that maintains criminal penalties for so-called “crimes against honor,” including insult and slander, the Committee to Protect Journalists issued the following statement: “Honduran lawmakers and President Juan Orlando Hernández had plenty of time to do the right…
Managua, Nicaragua, February 26, 2020 — Honduran authorities should investigate threats made online against journalists at the news outlet El Perro Amarillo and hold those responsible to account, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today.
Amsterdam, November 27, 2019— The Committee to Protect Journalists today condemned the killing of TV host José Arita in northern Honduras, and urged authorities to conduct a credible and exhaustive investigation into the killing and bring those responsible to justice.
Amsterdam, November 6, 2019 — Honduran authorities should conduct a swift and thorough investigation into the killing of journalist Buenaventura Calderón, determine if the attack was related to his reporting, and bring the perpetrators to justice, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today.
Amsterdam, September 4, 2019—The Committee to Protect Journalists today condemned the killing of Edgar Joel Aguilar, a reporter and presenter for Cablemar TV, and urged the Honduran authorities to conduct a rigorous investigation and bring those responsible to justice.