New York, August 25, 2003— The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) condemns last week’s incident in which a journalist was killed and another one was seriously injured when the vehicle in which they were traveling was fired on at a checkpoint allegedly guarded by rebels near the town of Puerto Caicedo, in southern Colombia. On…
Nova York, 25 de agosto de 2003—O Comitê para a Proteção dos Jornalistas (CPJ) condena o incidente da semana passada no qual um jornalista foi assassinado e outro seriamente ferido, quando o veículo em que viajavam foi baleado em um posto de controle guardado pelos rebeldes perto da cidade de Puerto Caicedo, no sul da…
Bogotá, Colombia, May 12, 2003—The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) is extremely concerned about two Colombian journalists who have fled their homes. One fled after being shot, and the other left after receiving death threats. Both men reported frequently on the country’s 40-year-old civil war, which pits leftist guerrillas against the government and right-wing paramilitary…
Bogotá, Colômbia, 12 de maio de 2003—O Comitê para a Proteção dos Jornalistas (CPJ, por sua sigla em inglês) está preocupado com dois jornalistas colombianos que abandonaram suas casas. Um escapou de ser baleado e o outro recebeu ameaças de morte. Ambos informavam com freqüência sobre a guerra civil de quase quatro décadas no país,…
Excelencia: O Comitê para a Proteção dos Jornalistas (CPJ, por sua sigla em inglês) está alarmado pela rápida escalada de violência contra a imprensa na Colômbia nos últimos meses. Além de uma onda de ameaças que fomentaram um clima de temor nos meios de comunicação, dois jornalistas foram assassinados esta semana em ataques separados. Na…
Your Excellency: The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) is deeply alarmed by the rapid escalation of violence against the press in Colombia in recent months. In addition to a wave of threats that has fostered a climate of fear among the media, two journalists were killed this week in separate attacks. On Monday, April 28,…
Aprovechando la distracción del mundo con la guerra en Irak, el gobierno cubano lanzó una ofensiva sin precedentes contra la prensa independiente, arrestando en las últimas semanas a 25 periodistas y al menos 50 disidentes políticos. No obstante enfrentar una represión sistemática por parte del gobierno, la prensa independiente cubana, que realiza su trabajo en franco desafío a una legislación que restringe en forma severa la libertad de expresión y de prensa, se ha fortalecido en los últimos años.
Economic and political turmoil throughout Latin America in 2002 had profound implications for the region’s press. Sharp decreases in advertising revenue bankrupted many media outlets, while the failure to consolidate democratic reforms left the media vulnerable to legal and physical assault. Five journalists were killed in Latin America in 2002 for their work.
Colombia’s civil conflict once again took a brutal toll on the country’s press, with journalists threatened, attacked, kidnapped, and murdered. At least three journalists were killed for their work in 2002, and CPJ continues to investigate the slayings of five others whose deaths may have been related to their reporting. At year’s end, Colombia’s overburdened…