MARCH 31, 2007 Posted: April 11, 2007 Celso Manguana, Canal de Mocambique IMPRISONED Manguana, a reporter of the private daily Canal de Mocambique, was arrested after he called officials at a police station in the capital Maputo “incompetent” for declining to comment on the detentions of several people in the aftermath of an anti-government demonstration,…
New York, February 16, 2007—The Committee to Protect Journalists welcomes this week’s ruling by a Mozambican court to reject the appeals of six hired killers of leading investigative journalist Carlos Cardoso. Cardoso was gunned down on November 22, 2000, while investigating the 1996 embezzlement of US$14 million from the state-controlled Commercial Bank of Mozambique (BCM).
December 8, 2006 Dominic Mahlangu, Sunday Times Carlos Litulo, freelance HARASSED Police in the southeastern village of Xicumbane detained investigative reporter Mahlangu and freelance photographer Litulo for 14 hours without charge and confiscated their notebooks, cell phones, and a camera, according to CPJ interviews and news reports. A police official ordered the arrests after Mahlangu…
MAY 3, 2006 Posted: May 16, 2006 Sebastiao Canjera, Mabarwe Joao Mascarenhas, Mabarwe Patreque Francisco, Mabarwe IMPRISONED A prosecutor in the western district of Manica ordered three journalists from the community newspaper Mabarwe detained without charge, according to the local chapter of the Media Institute for Southern Africa (MISA) and local news reports. According to…
New York, May 11, 2006—A local prosecutor in Mozambique has taken a preliminary step toward indicting a son of former President Joaquim Chissano in the 2000 murder of investigative journalist Carlos Cardoso, Mozambique’s official news agency, AIM, reported today. The prosecutor filed what is known as a charge sheet with the Maputo City Court about…