Kenya / Africa


Attacks on the Press 2000: Africa Analysis

PRESS COVERAGE OF ARMED CONFLICTS CONTINUED TO STIR THE HOSTILITY of governments and rebel factions alike and claim reporters’ lives, but the prominent role of the press in the often-volatile process of democratization also brought unprecedented challenges to journalists working in Africa. CPJ confirmed that in 2000, five journalists were killed specifically because of their…

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Attacks on the Press 2000: Kenya

EVEN AS KENYAN POLITICS WERE DOMINATED BY CALLS for constitutional and legal reform, the government introduced restrictive legislation governing the press. In May, the government of President Daniel arap Moi proposed an amendment to the Books and Newspapers Act that would have required new publications to post a bond of one million shillings (US$13,459) as…

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Radio Interference

Why does the president of Kenya want to ban private vernacular broadcasting?

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Kenya: President moves to ban vernacular broadcasting

Your Excellency: The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) is disturbed by your stated intention of banning private radio stations from broadcasting in Kenya’s vernacular languages. On August 31, 2000, at the opening of the Agricultural Society of Kenya show in Mombasa, you accused private stations that broadcast in languages other than English and Kiswahili, Kenya’s two official languages, of undermining national unity and promoting tribal chauvinism. You also ordered Attorney General Amos Wako and Information, Transport, and Communication Minister Musalia Mudavadi to draft legislation that would force private stations to broadcast only in English and Kiswahili.

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Two journalists grilled over coverage of alleged police rape attempt

Click here to read more about press freedom conditions in KENYA New York, June 14, 2000 — Two journalists from the daily newspaper The People were arrested on June 12 and questioned over an article alleging attempted rape by police officers in the district of Kakamega, sources in Kenya told CPJ.

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Student mob storms Nairobi newspaper office

Click here to read more about press freedom conditions in KENYA New York, June 13, 2000 — The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) condemns the June 12 student mob attack on the downtown Nairobi offices of the state-owned daily Nation. The students, from the Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT), stormed the newspaper…

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Kenya: Journalist jailed for offending presidential guards

Dear Mr. Wako: The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) is shocked by the eighteen-month jail sentence handed down to Johann Wandetto, a reporter for the daily The People newspaper, based in Kitale, Rift Valley Province. Wandetto was charged in the magistrate’s court on February 15 with publishing an “alarmist report” in the March 6, 1999, edition of The People. The article, titled “Militia men rob eight crack unit officers: Shock as Moi’s men surrender meekly,” claimed that elite presidential guards had been ambushed by militiamen in the remote West Pokot area of the country. Witnesses from the presidential guard denied this.

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Kenya: Proposed licensing laws threaten independent media

Your Excellency: The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) is gravely concerned about proposed amendments to the Books and Newspapers Act that would dramatically increase the mandatory publication-licensing bond. Under the amended Act, new publications would be required to post a bond of 1 million shillings (US$13,459) as security for any monetary penalty that might arise from criminal proceedings against them. This represents a hundred-fold increase over the current bond of ten thousand shillings (US$134.59).

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Pakistan: The Press for Change

A Special Report

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Kenya: Accused of corruption, high court judges react harshly against journalist

Your Excellency, The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) deeply regrets the six-month jail sentence handed down to Tony Gachoka, publisher of The Post on Sundaymagazine, for contempt of court, and the exorbitant fine imposed on his publishing firm. Not only is the penalty disproportionate to the alleged offense, but the fairness of Gachoka’s trial is also in question.

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