Democratic Republic of the Congo / Africa



JUNE 30, 2005 Posted: July 14, 2005 Basile Kokwalet, RFO-AITV Didier Lofombo, Horizon 33 HARASSED Security forces harassed and briefly detained journalists covering opposition protests in the Congolese capital, Kinshasa.

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JUNE 30 and JULY 1, 2005 Posted: July 18, 2005 Luc Mikomo, RAGA TV HARASSED RAGA FM, RAGA TV, and RAGA Plus CENSORED As opposition groups protested a delay in national elections originally due to take place by June 30, security forces detained Mikomo, news director at RAGA TV, for several hours in the capital,…

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CPJ condemns harassment of journalists covering opposition protests

New York, June 30, 2005—Security forces today harassed and detained several journalists covering opposition protests in the Congolese capital, Kinshasa, and at least one camera operator was still being held at the end of the day, according to local sources. A presidential spokesperson told the Committee Protect Journalists that any journalists detained while doing their…

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CPJ protests wave of attacks on the press

New York, June 28, 2005—The Committee to Protect Journalists is alarmed at a recent wave of attacks on the press in Tshikapa, a town in southern Democratic Republic of Congo where authorities have detained two journalists and harassed several more. One journalist has gone into hiding after the provincial governor called publicly for his arrest,…

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JUNE 14-28, 2005 Posted: June 30, 2005 Laurent Lukengu Badimanye, KHRT Léon Mwamba, La Prospérité Ali Tshitoko, Radio Sumbula No. 1 Casimir Ntwite, Radio Concorde Jean Delor Kabamba, Radio Lumière Esaï Musungayi, Radio Universelle

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Uniformed Assailants Shoot at Journalist

New York, May 31, 2005—The Committee to Protect Journalists is alarmed by the recent armed attack on Jean Ngandu, a Congolese journalist for Radio Okapi. On the evening of Saturday, May 28, as Ngandu was returning from an assignment, several men wearing Congolese army uniforms accosted him in front of his home in Lubumbashi, a…

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MAY 28, 2005 Posted: May 31. 2005 Jean Ngandu, Radio Okapi. ATTACKED The Committee to Protect Journalists was alarmed by the armed attack on Jean Ngandu, a Congolese journalist for Radio Okapi. On the evening of Saturday, May 28, as Ngandu was returning from an assignment, several men wearing Congolese army uniforms accosted him in…

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CPJ outraged at forced closure of community radio station

New York, May 18, 2005—The Committee to Protect Journalists is deeply concerned by the closing yesterday of Radiotélévision Kasaï (RTDK), a community radio station in the central diamond mining town of Mbuji-Mayi where at least three people were killed in violent anti-government protests. The local governor accused the radio station of inciting violence, but RTDK…

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MAY 17, 2005 Updated: May 23, 2005 Radiotélévision debout Kasaï (RTDK) CENSORED The provincial governor ordered the closing of Radiotélévision debout Kasaï (RTDK), a community radio station in the central diamond mining town of Mbuji-Mayi, where at least three people were killed in violent anti-government protests. The governor, Dominique Kanku, accused the radio station of…

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Press freedom group threatened

New York, April 11, 2005—The Committee to Protect Journalists is concerned for the safety of members of Journaliste en Danger (JED), a press freedom organization based in Kinshasa, the capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). On April 4, JED Secretary-General Tshivis Tshivuadi received an email containing death threats against him and Donat M’baya…

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