CPJ calls on Pakistan prime minister to drop plans for new media regulator

The Honorable Prime Minister Imran Khan
Prime Minister’s Office
Constitution Avenue G-5/2
Islamic Republic of Pakistan
June 10, 2021

Sent via email:  info@pmo.gov.pk 

Prime Minister Khan,

We at the Committee to Protect Journalists, an independent non-governmental organization that champions press freedom around the world, write to urge you to halt your government’s efforts to establish the Pakistan Media Development Authority.

According to a recent “talking points” document provided to CPJ by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, the PDMA would replace all other regulatory bodies with a single, centralized umbrella organization under a commission headed by a civil servant. While the document outlines worthy goals, such as reducing red tape and the costs of regulation, it remains unclear why a single authority would help achieve these goals. However, our overriding concern is the proposed body’s potential impact on the freedom of the press, as guaranteed by Article 19 in the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, and Amendment 18, which guarantees the right to information.

The strength of Pakistan’s media lies in its independence and diversity. Putting all the country’s media—including the previously unregulated newspaper industry—under a single government-led authority risks making the media into a propaganda branch of the government, even if that is not your government’s intention. The imposition of penalties by a media complaints council, to be adjudicated only by specialized media tribunals outside of Pakistan’s formal judicial system, would threaten to create an atmosphere of fear that would directly undermine freedom of expression.

These potential impacts represent direct threats to the future of Pakistan’s democracy. The talking points document makes no mention of the role that freedom of the press plays in Pakistan’s democratic system. But the media is not just an industry for economic development, like textiles or electronics. Instead, a free media plays an absolutely critical role in providing information to Pakistan’s citizens and serving as a watchdog for both the government and the private sector. 

We share the concerns that have been expressed nearly unanimously by media and human rights organizations in Pakistan, including the statement issued collectively by the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists, the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan, and the Pakistan Bar Council. If anything, Pakistan’s media needs less regulation and interference than it is experiencing today, not more in the form of a centralized authority. 

Rather than creating a new regulatory system, we ask your government to work closely with media organizations and press freedom advocates to pursue justice in the many cases of attacks on journalists where there has so far been nearly total impunity, which remains the greatest obstacle to freedom of the press in Pakistan.


Steven Butler
Asia Program Coordinator
Committee to Protect Journalists