CPJ launches resources on COVID-19’s impact on journalist safety, press freedom

New York, March 26, 2020–As the coronavirus pandemic spreads globally and journalists scramble to safely cover the news, the Committee to Protect Journalists is offering resources to reporters, interviewing journalists on the front line, and documenting press freedom violations related to coverage of COVID-19.

A new Coronvirus Response page on CPJ.org features regularly updated physical, digital, and psychosocial safety advice from CPJ Emergencies for journalists covering the crisis, available in more than 15 languages. An “ask an expert” section allows journalists and newsrooms to submit questions and get up-to-date advice from CPJ safety experts.

CPJ’s news coverage includes arrests of and assaults on journalists covering the pandemic, as well as Q&A interviews with reporters on the front line..

“Coronavirus is an unprecedented threat, and journalists are out there risking their safety to bring us information and help us grapple with the fast paced developments of the pandemic. Unfortunately we have already seen instances of authorities using the crisis as an excuse to clamp down on the critical press,” said CPJ Advocacy Director Courtney Radsch. “Every journalist is a coronavirus journalist, and we need to make sure that governments allow reporters to do their work safely and without fear of reprisal during this public health crisis.”

Beginning Friday, CPJ’s weekly Torch newsletter will round up the top stories about coronavirus and press freedom, as well as information on webinars, training, and ways to get involved. Sign up here.

To arrange a media interview with a CPJ expert, email press@cpj.org.