Attacks on the Press: CPJ to release annual assessment of press freedom

New York, April 22, 2015–The Committee to Protect Journalists will release Attacks on the Press: Journalism on the World’s Front Lines, its annual assessment of the state of press freedom worldwide, on April 27.

The 2015 edition, released to mark World Press Freedom Day on May 3, includes analysis of the transnational threat to press freedom posed both by terrorists and states waging a war on terror. Other topics include dangers to freelancers, trends in Internet censorship, and the changing face of surveillance.

WHAT: Release of 2015 edition of CPJ’s Attacks on the Press: Journalism on the World’s Front Lines

WHEN: Monday, April 27, 2015–11 a.m. EST/ 4 p.m. GMT


Note to editors:

Advance copies of Attacks on the Press are available upon request in English. Select essays are available in Arabic, Chinese, French, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Turkish.

On April 21, CPJ released a portion of Attacks on the Press, the 10 Most Censored Countries worldwide, a ranking of where the news media is most restricted by state control. The list is available here.

For social media, CPJ suggests using the hashtag #AttacksOnPress or #10MostCensored.


CPJ is an independent, nonprofit organization that works to safeguard press freedom worldwide.

Media contacts:

Samantha Libby

Advocacy Officer
