- Turkey lifted its ban on YouTube and then re-asserted it within the same week.
- Digital technology is helping get news out of North Korea. Small digital cameras and tiny SD memory cards make it easier to smuggle images out.
- In China, meanwhile, Amazon’s Kindle 3G e-reader is reportedly being used to get the news in. Users are able to bypass the “Great Firewall.”
- José Alejandro Godoy has the dubious honor of being Peru’s first blogger to be sentenced under the country’s criminal defamation laws.
- Facebook hopes to provide SSL access (i.e. secure, encrypted access) in the coming months. CPJ will continue to push other sites to make their services more spy- and censor-proof.
- Will future censorship be tailored to the individual, just as Internet ads are now?
- In September, Burmese exiled media were brought down with denial-of-service attacks. Is the entire domestic Burmese Internet now suffering the same fate?