Among the dozens of journalists detained in Iran is Majid Saeedi, a freelance photographer working for Getty Images. Jonathan Klein, the photo agency’s co-founder and CEO, describes Saeedi as a “dedicated photojournalist” who was simply trying to document events in Iran. Below are examples of Saeedi’s work, courtesy of Getty.
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- An Iranian commemorates the 1980-1988 Iran-Iraq war at a memorial in March 2007.
- A visitor to Iran's Lake Orumieh washes off mineral-rich black mud in August 2007.
- Laborers harvest rice near northwestern Talesh in May 2007.
- A Tehran woman looks at campaign posters days before the June election.
- Supporters of presidential candidate Mir-Hossein Mousavi gather during a campaign rally at Haydarniya Stadium in June.
- President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad casts his vote during the June 12 presidential election.A family in Bam after a devastating December 2003 earthquake.Traditional gowns in an Iranian fashion show in January 2007.Iranian women pray at Eid al-Fitr services in October 2007 in Tehran.A woman holds the Quran during a 2005 rally against U.S. detentions in Guantanamo.