Safely covering U.S. election events

Following the U.S. elections on November 3, 2020, journalists continue to face threats when covering election-related events. Journalists covering elections and political rallies in the U.S. in recent years have been subjected to online and verbal harassment and even physical assault, CPJ has found. Last updated on January 8, 2021.

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Find legal resources for journalists

  • Contact the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press legal hotline at 1-800-336-4243, hotline@, or online here

Additional resources

Safety advisory: Covering the coronavirus pandemic | En español

Safety advisory: Covering U.S. protests over police violence

U.S. Press Freedom Tracker Blog: Special Election Section

Acquire a press pass through the Frontline Freelance Register (available to freelancers) or the National Press Photographers Association (available to visual journalists)

International Women’s Media Fund United States Journalism Emergency Fund Application

Read CPJ’s Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) glossary to find information on the relevant and correct PPE for reporting from a war zone or protest, covering a natural disaster, or working on an undercover investigation

More safety questions? Ask a CPJ expert

CPJ’s safety experts provide information and support to all journalists, including freelancers and media workers, around the world. They host free information sessions with individual journalists or newsrooms on risk assessment, physical safety, and digital security. Please complete one of the forms below.

Webinars: Covering the 2020 U.S. election

Webinar Recording: Physical Safety Workshop with Chris Post and Colin Pereira
Webinar Recording: Digital Safety Workshop with Ela Stapley