Tomorrow: CPJ in conversation with poet Rupi Kaur on press freedom and farmers’ protests in India

New York, February 8, 2021—Tomorrow, CPJ’s Senior Asia Researcher Aliya Iftikhar will join celebrated poet Rupi Kaur and Indian journalist Mandeep Punia for an in-depth conversation on the ongoing farmers’ protests and press freedom in India.

CPJ has documented threats to the press covering the protests in India, with multiple journalists arrested since the start of the year. Punia, a contributor to The Caravan magazine and Junputh news website, was arrested while covering protests held by farmers over new laws that critics allege will lead to increasing privatization in farming, and he still faces an investigation and potential charges after his release.

Led by Kaur via Instagram, this timely discussion will also highlight broader press freedom concerns in India. CPJ documented at least four journalists behind bars in the country as of December 1, 2020, and as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to pose a critical threat, CPJ’s #FreeThePress campaign has called on world leaders to release jailed journalists immediately.

WHAT: Instagram Live conversation on protests and press freedom in India

WHEN: February 9, 10 a.m. EST


CPJ is an independent, nonprofit organization that works to safeguard press freedom worldwide

Media contact:

Bebe Santa-Wood

Communications Associate